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Motivation or Performance Appraisals

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 4: Motivation or Performance Appraisals Due Week 9 and worth 200 points For this assignment, select one (1) of the following topics that expand on characteristics of employee motivation: - Intrinsic Motivation is More Meaningful for Adult Employees Than Extrinsic Motivation - Extrinsic Motivation Can Be Effective for Adult Employees - Local Businesses Have a Huge Incentive to Partner with Schools - Local Businesses Have Little Incentive to Partner with Schools - Changes that Schools Could Make to Encourage Parental Involvement OR one (1) of the following topics that expand on employee performance appraisals: - An Annual Cycle Is Adequate for Formal Employee Evaluations - Organizations Need Informal Employee Evaluations in Addition to the Formal Performance Appraisal Process - Organizations Need Informal Employee Evaluations Instead of a Formal Performance Appraisal Process - Employee Performance Can Be Fairly Rank Order Compared - Employee Performance Cannot Be Fairly Rank Order Compared Use the following appropriate EBSCOhost Web databases to research your chosen topic: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Education Source, Research Starters – Business, Research Starters – Education, and / or ERIC. Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you: 1. Provide an explanation and overview of your selected topic 2. Examine the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. 3. Compare and contrast the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. 4. Predict the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Include your own informed opinion of what is next for the topic you have explored. 5. Include at least three (3) references (no more than five [5] years old) from material outside the textbook. Note: You may be more specific about your topic without clearing these kinds of related, more narrowly focused topics with the professor. If in doubt, call or email the professor, or use the “Ask the Professor” section in the Student Center. You may choose a related topic not listed above if you clear it with the professor at least a week before the due date. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: - Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. - Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: - Analyze theories of and best practices in leadership, decision making, communications, conflict management, organizational culture, motivation, management, performance appraisal, and evaluation. - Apply the concepts and techniques of educational leadership within the context of case studies in the following areas: student problems, administrative-staff relationships, school-community relations, organizational and role issues, social justice issues, and change issues. - Apply theories of and best practices in leadership, decision making, communications, organizational culture, motivation, management, performance appraisal, and evaluation to various educational environments. - Analyze theories of and best practices in leadership, decision making, communications, conflict management, organizational culture, motivation, management, performance appraisal, and evaluation. - Use technology and information resources to research issues in educational administration and leadership. - Write clearly and concisely about educational administration and leadership using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 200 Assignment 4: Motivation or Performance Appraisals Criteria Unacceptable Below 70% F Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Provide an explanation and overview of your selected topic. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely provided an explanation and overview of your selected topic. Partially provided an explanation and overview of your selected topic. Satisfactorily provided an explanation and overview of your selected topic. Thoroughly provided an explanation and overview of your selected topic. 2. Examine the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely examined the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. Partially examined the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. Satisfactorily examined the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. Thoroughly examined the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. 3. Compare and contrast the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. Weight: 25% Did not submit or incompletely compared and contrasted the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. Partially compared and contrasted the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. Satisfactorily compared and contrasted the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. Thoroughly compared and contrasted the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. 4. Predict the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Include your own informed opinion of what Did not submit or incompletely predicted the future direction of the research and Partially predicted the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Partially Satisfactorily predicted the future direction of the research and thought on your Thoroughly predicted the future direction of the research and thought on your
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Organizations Need Informal Employee Evaluations in Addition to the Formal Performance Appraisal Process Name Course Title Professor’s name Date Overview Job performance measurements such as ranking or rating are deemed as inadequate ways of assessing performance (Murphy, 2008). It is thus important to incorporate less formal aspects in the formal evaluation systems creating a hybrid evaluation system (Brown & Hirsh, 2011). It allows employees to more proactively and comfortably seek feedback. They view mistakes as lessons and as an invitation for examination and learning. The supervisor above an employee determines what employees do and often how they do it. The supervisor who fails to direct or approve of what subordinates fails to manage. This means that organizations measure collective performance of both managers and supervisors. This calls for organizations to set up continuous communication structures between supervisors and subordinates to discuss how to achieve the evaluation goals. This way, the supervisors have no basis to complain when goals remain unachieved. (Brogan, 2012). It is based on involving employees in formulating their targets to measure performance. It also involves employees in setting their individual personalized aims or goals. More importantly, it requires providing measures to provide continuous feedback through periodic appraisals, monitoring their development and empowerment in a trusting work atmosphere (Mone, Eisinger, Guggenheim, Price, & Stine, 2011). It allows organizations to focus on day-to-day management rather than solely on the annual formal evaluation. It incorporates a continuous management process in performance management. Human resources and learning and development managers support performance managers informal ways to carry out day- to day management. Three trends reflected in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about topic One trend in appraisal research is in focusing on the most effective way to motivate employees. This is in a bid to encourage staff to continuously improve their performance. There is a new approach in appraisal research entailing integration of appraisals in managing performance and seeking ways to improve. When appraisal research is redirected towards improving performance, organizations are empowered on which areas each individual requires to improve and the process recommends ways of doing so. The approach is also essential because it not only provides research but also indicates practical ways of improving performance (Mone, Eisinger, Guggenheim, Price, & Stine, 2011). Measurement credibility in terms of how accurate has been replaced with the renewed focus on appraisal research inclined towards improvement. Rating accuracy has been the central criterion for evaluating the appraisal system focusing on measurement. An accuracy based performance measurement fails to factor in how to improve which the primary aim of managing performance There has also been a trend in focusing on investigation on how rankings impact on subsequent performance. This trend is more inclined to performance management than a pure focus on measurement. It is based on assessing whether employees meet their objectives and as such contains elements of performance appraisal. Thus, it is inclined towards managing performance for better organizational outcomes. This approach leads to productivity in organizations particularly when implemented with support of the highest level of management in the organization (DeNisi & Pritchard, 2008). Research on how employees respond to appraisals is another emerging trend. Assessment on response variables such as satisfaction with feedback and its impact on employee motivation affect future performance. This helps in understanding how to use appraisals to actually improve performance. Employee responses indicate their view of performance measurement systems about credibility and fairness. Their view consequently affects how they make use of the feedback offered to them (Leader to Leader, 2011) The purpose of apparisals is defeated when employees fail to elicit the intended response or change in behavior. To ensure occurrence of behavior change, it is essential that mangement clearly communicates that there is a need for change and demonstrates credibility of the feedback it offers. Mangement requires to carefully study employee responses to modify their appraisal systems for greater employee acceptability. Another trend in practice is the return on investment approach that suggests evaluation of any human resources programme. Evaluation requires addressing issues that contribute to better performance such as greater attention to the provision of good customer service, improving employees’ skills through continuous trainings. There is a need for organizations to look beyond improving performance per se and focus more on outcomes. For instance, better customer service leads to increased satisfaction and employees can be trained to improve their skills to render better services (DeNisi & Pritchard, 2008). Another trend in performance evaluation or appraisal is the growing interest in the unconventional systems of performance evaluation. In this system of performance evaluation...
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