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Math Centers in Creating Learning Environments

Essay Instructions:


Creating Learning Environments

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages in length; refer to the "Format Requirements" page for specific format requirements.

Imagine you are developing a math center for an age group of your choice.

1. Briefly describe the math center.

2. Describe three (3) ways that the math center will enhance children’s development.

3. Describe three (3) attributes of the center that will make it an effective math center.

4. Provide four (4) examples of appropriate materials you will need for the center.

Textbook is Creating Environments for Learning

Birth to Age Eight

by Julie Bullard 3rd Ed.

Pearson 2017

ISBN: 978-0-13-401455-5

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Creating Learning Environments
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Creating Learning Environments
Since the government is mandated to improve the education of its citizens, it checks for ways that are likely to improve them. Even though there are varying ways that the government is likely to improve their education, one way has been through math centers. Despite math centers growing in popularity over the years due to their effectiveness, some people cannot still define what math centers are. Math centers are the learning stations within the classroom that assist the students in practicing varying math skills that they had learned in a practical or hands-on way. They offer the children the chance to view how math works physically instead of just being told by the teacher or learning it from a book.
Moreover, math centers are also one of the outstanding ways to help students collaborate, communicate, and think critically, thereby making them more creative. For example, most have math games, activities, and manipulatives that boost students' interest and support their development to attain outstanding complex math skills and social interactions. Since these centers have activities that the learners can do on their own or as a group, it promotes differentiation while permitting them to have meaningful practice in their varying math skills (Bullard, 2016). In addition to helping the students, they also help the teachers. For instance, the teachers can work with small flexible groups or individually to meet the specific needs of the students while the rest students are engaging in the purposeful centers.
Since most people are reluctant before employing any transformation in education, they ask how math centers will boost children's development. One way that math centers are helping in enhancing kids’ development is by offering them varying experiences based on their needs. In most instances, teachers highlight that their biggest math struggle is to meet all their students’ needs. The math center will solve this problem by reinforcing these concepts and preparing students for elementary math education. For example, in these centers, children learn basic math skills such as number formation and recognition, pattern recognition, addition and subtraction concept, and shape identification, creating a firm foundation that helps the students develop. Furthermore, the centers offer varying ways that children can explore content helping to boost their development.
Math centers are also critical because they help the children practice what they have previously learned hands-on. In most instances, the kids should frequently practice what they have learned to understand better and never forget it. The math center allows the students to practice what they have previously learned frequently. They offer the children an outstanding experience since they will have hands-on learning. This practice helps develop the students since they understand the instructions better through experiential learning.
Moreover, the math center helps to boost the students' development by introducing and exploring concepts. In addition to introducing the students to math concepts, they allow them to explore varying math concepts, boosting their comprehension. For example, when the students are working with geometric ideas such as finding and comparing shapes, in addition to data gathering. During this session...
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