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Critical Literacy Events

Essay Instructions:
WRITER REQUEST: I would like Writer # 13 to write this essay. Hi Writer. I am a student studying Primary Education at Monash University. This assignment needs to be writen as if you are me and you have been working in a school (Bayswater South P.S. if you choose to use it - http://www(dot)baysouthps(dot)vic(dot)edu(dot)au/). I live in Melbourne, Australia so the events must relate to here. Thanks. ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION: In this assignment you will document 2 literacy events that you have observed or participated in during weeks 1 - 6. These events could take place in the home, community or classroom. Using the Reflective model based on ALACT (Korthagen), you will analyse each event to demonstrate your understanding of literacy teaching and/or learning as detailed in the various topics covered during weeks 1 - 6. Topics Covered were: 1 Introduction to unit - Language Literacy and Learning 2 New Literacies - Literacy for the 21st Century 3 The Importance of oral language 4 Reading and writing 1 5 Reading and writing 2 6 Spelling, grammar and phonics For example you may have witnessed a reading session in a local library and describe what you saw and heard in relation to what you have learned about teaching reading in Weeks 4 and 5. You will need to support your reflection by reference to the various readings and resources and your own research. You will also be required to outline your evolving beliefs about your role as a teacher of literacy and describe how what you have learned might be translated into your future professional practice. Finally the different stages of the ALACT model will be used appropriately. A description of how to use the ALACT model can be found at http://prosolva(dot)org/spip/spip.php?article65 CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT: - 2000 words (not including references) - An analysis of two literacy events using the Reflective model based on ALACT (Korthagen) - Analysis demonstrates an understanding of effective literacy teaching and/or learning - Analysis supported by the various readings and materials presented in the course - Analysis demonstrates a developing position on own professional identity as a teacher of literacy - Work is well presented including proofreading for spelling and grammatical errors and consistent and accurate referencing. Sorry about the file uploads. My computer had a bit of a meltdown. If you have any queries at all, please ask. Id rather you ask than assume. Thanks so much in advance for your hard work :)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Literacy Events
Critical Literacy Events
Two Literacy Events
In this study I have focused two events which I witnessed. The first event was Music festival and book reading session in school.
Event 1:
Music rehearsal and practicing event: oral language skills.
In the primary school section, Carol is assigned the role of auditioning in the school music festivals. She is happy about taking the new role and looks forward to the finals. Carol feels enthusiastic and has great interest in music. She is committed in taking the children through the rehearsals. The organizers have looked for competitive festivals. Various schools in Melbourne have been categorized into groups each consisting of five schools. The winner in each category will proceed to the next level.
The school community expects the maintenance of traditions: converts, Christmas shows, and festivals. Music performances will be conducted to parents and governors are a way of publicizing and promoting the school. Carol understands that the management expects excellent performances from the children. It is therefore expected that the children will produce great performances that will enable them reach the finals.
Carol is focused on the upcoming events. She organizes children into groups of eight comprising of four boys and four girls from each grade. The various groups will rehearse the orchestra as well as the various dances. (Phase 1: Action)
During supervision, Carol realized that that some children are not taking the training serious. She goes ahead to identify the children who have continuously missed the training sessions. She then calls them by turns, asking them the reasons for their absentia. She then encourages the children to attend all training sessions. To further encourage the best performance, Carol presents gifts to the best performer in each group (Phase 2: Looking back)
The children continue with the rehearsals each day and are punctual in their time. This allows for proper preparation. Carol has chosen several songs for the children in line with the theme of the music festival. Carol has designated one song for each group. She shall oversee the training and rehearsing. The songs to be sung include the following: Child of Tomorrow by Mark Patterson, Riversong by Roger Emerson, Rockin’ Robin by J. Thomas and to be arranged by Roger Emerson, Let the Song Begun by Piea Cantiones which will be arranged by Don Malin. (Phase 3: Awareness of the essential aspects)
Carol then decides to hire professional music teachers to undertake the task of training the children. By doing this she reduces the monotony of the children having to be taught by the same teachers all the time. In turn the children respond well to the new teachers which in turn results in wins in most of the categories the children participated in the final music festivals. (Phase 4: Creating an alternative method of action)
Carol ends the training by trying phase five. She invites the children, teachers and the professional teachers she had hired to a party. In this part, the children are awarded depending on their performances. Carol ensures that each child who participated in the training gets a present.
Event 2:
Book reading session in school
The second event that I witnessed was book reading day at Bayswater South Primary School. Bayswater South Primary School conducts a book reading day as a way of encouraging reading habits among the learners. Margaret is an English teacher at the school. The management selects her to conduct the book reading exercise. She arrives early in the morning and announces to the children that the book reading session was to be conducted from 9 am on that Wednesday morning. She announces that who were well prepare to participate were required to register with her before the start of the session. This was meant to give chance to all children who would have wanted to participate in the exercise (Phase 1: Action)
Early in the morning at around 09 Am students sat in groups in a library, others in their classes, while others were directed to sit in the field. Books were brought in by Margaret together with other teachers. Margaret stated the session by reading one book summary and then requested any child was interested in reading it to come forward. As a response, students who had registered to take part would raise their hands and Margaret would in turn give the task to the child she chooses (Phase 2: Looking back).
According to observation that Margaret made, learners were affected by color of the book. It was evident that most children were affected by the color of the book because quite a number of children preferred brightly colored books with pictures as compared to dull colored books with no pictures. The session continued well and in some cases children were persuaded to read some of the books even though they disliked. (Phase 3: Awareness of the essential aspects).
Margaret concluded that the color and the brightness of the book affected the morale and the reading habits of the children. The reading process was smooth, though at some point the learners were noisy and would distract one another something that was not foreseen by the planning committee as of being of significant challenge to the success of event. This was further derailed by the fact that the learners were not interested in some content of the books they were reading. As a result of the distraction, most learners lost concentration and would therefore not gain what was expected. Their reading focus would however regain after order had been restored. (Phase 4: Creating an alternative method of action)
Margaret ends the reading session by trying phase 5. She ensures that the reading session is captivating by rewarding the children who display excellent reading skills. This wi...
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