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Listening and Speaking Lesson Plan for ELL Learners

Essay Instructions:

When focusing on listening and speaking skills, it is essential to make a connection to interpersonal communication skills that will be used throughout the students’ educational and professional future. Through hearing how others use language, and using it themselves, students work together, describe their surroundings, and make sense of their own and each other’s experiences. Integrating listening and speaking skills with reading and writing instruction reemphasizes the importance of language and literacy in everyday life.

For this assignment, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to create a lesson plan for the students in the “Class Profile” that focuses on listening and speaking, and is based on the literature you previously selected.

Include the following in your lesson:

Objectives aligned to state or national grade appropriate listening and speaking standards

Content-specific vocabulary development

Engaging instructional strategies and activities in listening and speaking

Assessment aligned to learning objectives that is engaging for students and provides meaningful feedback

Differentiation to meet learning differences or needs

In a 250-500 word reflection, rationalize your instructional choices, citing how the listening and speaking activities chosen build upon the previously taught English language arts skills. Justify why the listening and speaking strategies implemented are essential.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name:

Grade Level:



Instructional Plan Title:

Lesson Summary and Focus:

The selected story is an interesting American folktale: The Circle of Life and the Clambake. This story is about the significance of natural resources. It gives a vital lesson regarding self-dependency by describing the outcome of the reliance of the Wampanoag people on a giant Maushop. Since this story is an American folktale, it contains native linguistic elements. Therefore, its use to improve learners' listening and speaking skills is beneficial as they will be able to hear and speak this plain text and simple language effortlessly.

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:

Classroom demography, environment, and students' learning skills must be considered before making a lesson plan for teaching listening and speaking skills. A panoramic view of the class profile reveals that it is a curious blend of diverse ethnic groups, including Hispanic (4 students), African Americans (3 students), Asian (1 student), and native white Americans (7 students). The learners show highly varied reading performance levels, and some also have learning disabilities; additionally, the non-native learners experience difficulty speaking and listening to normal English conversation.

National/State Learning Standards:

The National and State standards of language teaching demand that students read a wide range of English texts (written text, audio text, or video text) to develop an in-depth understanding of American culture and social norms and ethics and accents, and pronunciation to be able to listen and speak American language like natives. For this purpose, the standards recommend extensive audio-visual tools to enhance learners' listening and speaking efficiency. The selected short story provides learners ample opportunity to read and listen to the English language to enhance their listening and speaking skills. Using simple language will enhance learners' interpersonal communication skills, and they will be able to describe their version of their surroundings in their native accent. Following are some state standards for listening and speaking learning (English Language Arts Standards, 2022):
* Effectively participate in English language conversation on various topics with learners of various ethnicities.
* To be able to effectively interpret textual or visual information and express their point of view effortlessly and clearly.
* To be able to listen to an English audio-visual text or a speaker and interpret, evaluate, and express the main idea based on logical reasoning and evidence.
* To be able to use digital media to show an in-depth understanding of an audio-visual text.
* To change speaking accent and stress based on context, given task, and level of listeners.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:

The aim of teaching this specific native American folktale is to develop the following communicative skills in the learners of different ethnicities and academic profiles:
* To be able to use multimedia effectively for listening and learning practice
* To listen to the text's audio at average conversation speed and understand the language expressed in the native accent
* To pronounce all the new words effortlessly in a native American accent
* To be able to understand the audio or oral presentation of the given text and interpret it in its specific linguistic and cultural background.
* To be able to read the text in native-like pronunciation with smooth flow
* To be able to express the meaning of the phrase "the circle of life verbally" in the context of nature
* To understand the metaphorical significance of the giant Maushop and express it in their own words
* To be able to express and present their views about the importance of self-reliance using native accent and pronunciation, based on examples from native culture
* To communicate via digital means or oral presentation, the role of Kehtean as a spiritual power in the specific cultural and social context
* To describe in their own words how the Wampanoag people learn to use the elements of nature to become self-sufficient with specific reference to the steps of the processes
* Understand and explain the concept of Appanaug in its cultural, natural, and social context using simple language in a native accent
* To be able to understand other students' presentations regarding the text

Academic Language

The following academic and content-specific vocabulary will be taught in this lesson to enhance students speaking and listening skills with a specific focus on non-native students.
The Medicine Circle is used to explain the perpetual interaction between living and non-living things that maintains the balance in nature. Using multimedia or oral presentation, the learners will be given a detailed explanation of this term in their native accent and fluency. In this way, the learner will learn how to listen, interpret, and explain an oral description in a native accent.
The Wampanoag: this term is specifically essential to make learners aware of the specific social, cultural, and ethical context of native American society, which is included in the national and state standards. Listening to this description will significantly enhance learners' listening skills and improve their understanding of Native American culture and accent. Due stress will be given to making learners pronounce this word in a native accent.
Maushop: this giant holds a significant cultural and literary significance, and the teacher can use its name as a metaphor to explain the importance of literary elements in oral communication to enhance its effectiveness. Afterward, the learners will be tasked to present Maushop's role.
Kethean: this is the symbol of the spiritual beliefs of the Wampanoag, and the teacher will deliver a multimedia audio-visual presentation on this deity to enhance their listening abilities. Later, the learners will be tasked to express their respective spiritual beliefs using words used in the text in native accents.
The Rock People: the teacher will explain the context of this term in the text and inform learners about the metaphorical use to denote non-living things. The learners will then have a group-based discus...
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