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Early Childhood Education: How to Develop Your Philosophy of Education?

Essay Instructions:

Journal #2 (7%) During our first few classes, we examined a number of philosophers, theorists and educators who have impacted the field of ECE. Choose two and reflect on the following questions:1. How was their philosophy of education developed? What historical and/or societal factors led to the development of their philosophy and how?2. How are the beliefs of the philosopher(s) similar or different to yours?3. How has your personal history (culture, upbringing, family values, experience in school, etc.) impacted your beliefs about education?Provide specific reference to the assigned reading, class discussions and PowerPoint content.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education
The field of education is one that has a number of theorists who have contributed to the development of the education policies and even the approaches that are largely used today. These are theorists that have established the basics of how children are taught relative to scientific and formal practices. Some of the most influential theorists that have been very influential in these field are Maria Montessori and Rudolf Stein. They both use different approaches however they complement the basic practices and the theories that inform the basic approaches that are used in the early childhood education practices from the time that child is an infant to the time that they are in adulthood.
Growing up as a young girl, Maria had a father that believed that she was destined to be a teacher. At the time, women were give such careers as they were considered less capable than their male counterparts (Chapter 2: Maria Montessori, n.d.). This means that they had to take careers that were less involving and those that mostly involved caring as they reflected their motherly instincts. However her mother encouraged her in her pursuit for science studies. Even when she finally joined medical school. She also faced the pressure that had experienced from her father, even at school, where most of the students did not support her efforts simply because she was a woman. She visited asylums and developed an interest in the children confined there, who were considered unteachable. It is from this background that set out to study the early education dynamics and how best she could assist other children to achieve their dreams (Chapter 2: Maria Montessori, n.d.). On the other hand Steiner believed in the concept of s...
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