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Interpreting Research Findings
Essay Instructions:
Given the results of your statistical tests and based on the hypothetical problem around which you framed your mini-project, consider what the results mean for the situation. When interpreting findings, it is important to look for meaning, not only related to the problem you are investigating, but in relation to a theoretical framework and the existing literature.
Develop an original response to the following questions:
Although your data were randomized, do your findings agree or disagree with previous studies?
Could you answer your research questions? Remember, they should not be answered “yes or no”, but as to what the data suggest may or may not be the case. Share your answers to your research questions with the class.
What kinds of reliability and validity issues might you encounter if you were to use the same instrument in a different context in the future?
due 11/27
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Interpreting Research Findings
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The results of the statistical tests carried out in this mini-project agree with the results of existing literature on flexible work schedules and attendance rates. Previous literature, like Berkery et al. (2020), attests that flexible scheduling can bring about some sort of improvement in employees' attendance and productivity as a result of reduced stress and work-life balance issues. Similarly, in a study, Davidescu et al. (2020) also confirmed that flexibility at the workplace influences job satisfaction and organizational performance before considering flexible start time policies. The null hypothesis was rejected due to p < 0.05; hence, it confirms the above-mentioned earlier findings that there is a statistical relation between flexible work start time facilities and attendance rate. Regarding the research questions, flexible schedules positively affect attendance rates. Most employees with flexible start times have better at...
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