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Instructional Models/Strategies Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Instructional models apply learning theories to the selection of instructional strategies in a manner that will improve planning and differentiation to aid in student success. Understanding how various teaching models and strategies were designed to better reach students allows teachers to adjust their teaching styles to adapt their classrooms.

For this assignment, complete everything on the worksheet provided.

Part 1: Analysis

Describe the defining characteristics of each instructional model or strategy.

Include an example of how you would use the instructional model or strategy in your teaching to meet the needs of diverse students.

Explain how the instructional model or strategy supports the diverse needs of students.

Part 2: Application

Review the academic standard and learning objective you created in Topic 2. Using the "Class Profile," select three of the six instructional models from Part 1 that would be appropriate to teach the standard and objective.

For each model, include the following:

Explanation of how you would implement the model or strategy to teach the standard and objective from Topic 2

Rationale explaining why the instructional model or strategy is effective in supporting student learning of the standard and objective

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Instructional Models/Strategies
Part 1: Analysis



Supporting Diverse
Needs of Students (i.e., ELL, gifted, Students with Exceptionalities, etc).


Direct instruction involves the use of overt teaching techniques. The teacher stands at the front of the classroom and presents the students with information.
Part of direct instruction is matching instruction to the assigned task. This plays a crucial role in helping the students understand the topic.
Direct instruction also depends on strict lesson plans.
Also, it does not include active learning activities such as workshops or discussions (Voltz et al., 2010). 

An example of how I would implement this method is by asking students questions in a certain order. For instance, if it is a math’s class, when I ask a question, I would point to the lowest achieving student in that subject. If he or she is not able to answer correctly, I would proceed to ask another low achiever until I got the right answer. From the student who gave the right answer, I would ask him or her to do it on the blackboard so every other student can see. This way, the other students would be motivated to understand the concept.

This instructional model supports the diverse needs of learners because it allows each student to participate in classroom activities (Voltz et al., 2010). The model should work particularly well with poor performers who do not like answering classroom questions.

Concept Attainment

Concept attainment is a technique in which students apply their previous understanding of a topic to determine the features of a concept by comparing and contrasting.
The technique allows students to think inductively.
The responsibility of the teacher is to provide examples, record data, and ask questions (Lasley et al., 2002). 

I would implement this technique in my diverse classroom through the use of practice questions. For instance, if the concept is on algebra, I would begin by explaining the concept and then doing some examples on the blackboard. Then I would proceed to give the students similar questions to answer on their own. I would begin with simple questions and progress to intermediate, and difficult questions.

This model works well with students who have potential but are less likely to achieve it independently (Lasley et al., 2002). Asking them to do certain questions based on a concept would help them test their capability levels, and encourage them to work harder.

Concept Development

Concept development is used by teachers to promote high-order thinking and cognition among students.
Concept development allows the students to think about the why and how of learning (Moore, 2009). 

An example of how I would implement this is by drawing comparison between a concept and real life. For instance, if we were discussing conditions under which fire cannot exist, I would ask students why they think sand boxes are placed at gas stations. If the students are able to answer this question correctly, then they would show their understanding of the why of learning.

This model supports the needs of exceptional and gifted students. Very few students are able to understand the why and how of learning (Moore, 2009). However, gifted students can do this and even explain it. By applying this technique therefore, I would be facilitating broader thinking among my exceptional students.

Vocabulary Acquisition

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