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Implementing the 5E Instructional Model Template

Essay Instructions:

The 5E instructional model is designed to guide educators in the instruction of scientific processes and practices. When planning for inquiry-based instruction, it is essential to be able to use and understand the structure of the 5E model. With this understanding, you will be able to adapt lesson content to fit into traditional lesson plan structures.

Review the topic study materials related to the 5E instructional model to inform the assignment. (Links below)

Select one Next Generation Science Standard and a grade level. Detail each component of the 5E Lesson (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) and how it could be applied to the selected grade level standard by completing Part 1 of the “5E Instructional Model Template.”

Describe both formative and summative assessment ideas that could be used to support one or more of the instructional strategies shared. Include at least one formative or summative assessment that is technology-based. Note that you will adapt the information from your completed template when creating the Topic 6 “Science Lesson Plan” assignment.

Support your submission with 2-3 scholarly resources.





Essay Sample Content Preview:

5E Instructional Model Template
Part 1: Matrix
Select a grade level, Next Generation Science Standard, and develop two learning objectives related to the selected standard. Detail each component of the 5E Lesson (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) and how it could be applied to the selected grade level standard by selecting one appropriate instructional activity for each and providing a rationale why the activity would be effective for implementing the 5E instructional model components with all students. You will also describe assessment ideas that could be used to support the instructional strategies. Note that you will adapt the information from this template to complete the Topic 6 “Science Lesson Plan” assignment.
Grade Level:

First Grade

Next Generation Science Standard:

MS-ESS1-1: Earth’s Place in the Universe

Specific Learning Targets/ Objectives:

1. Describe the four phases of the moon
2. Describe patterns of the moon

5E Lesson Component Description
(In your own words, describe the component as it relates to science processes and practices in 1-2 sentences.)

Instructional Activity and Rationale
(In 2-3 sentences describe an instructional activity that would be appropriate for the standard and provide a rationale for why it would be effective in helping to implement the 5E instructional model with all students.)

Engage: This phase of the 5E model aims to capture the interest of the students by having them focus on a phenomenon. The teacher directs initial discussions towards connecting previous concepts with lesson content.

Activity: The teacher begins by reviewing previously established facts such as the knowledge that the moon changes shapes and that it appears to rise and move across the sky before setting. Then, the teacher informs the class that they will be learning about the specific shapes of the moon.
Rationale: Reviewing previous facts elicits useful students’ responses about their current knowledge. It also allows them to ask questions such as, “Why does the moon change shape?” or “What shapes does the moon take?”

Explore: This phase of the 5E model aims to help students explore their ideas and organize collected information. The teacher guides students as they investigate their ideas and experiences either singly or in groups.

Activity: The teacher shows the students a National Geographic text with great photographs of the moon phases and identifies them. Then, the teacher asks the class such questions as, “Does the moon actually change, or does it appear to change?” or “Does the crescent come before gibbous or is it the quarter?”
Rationale: The questions help learners practice with their new knowledge and explore ideas to arrive at possible answers. This process is crucial to students learning in a hands-on way.

Explain: This phase of the 5E model aims to help students synthesize new concepts and ask questions. The teacher asks students to share their understanding from the previous phase before introducing new content directly (Elliott, 2017).

Activity: The teacher asks students to share their answers to questions posed in the Explore phase. The teacher provides the correct answers and resources to aid student learning, over and above, introducing scientific concepts.
Rationale: These activities provide students with opportunities to link previous experiences with lesson content and eliminate any misunderstandings. The introduction of new concepts is reinforced by what students have learnt from the previous phase.

Elaborate: This phase of the 5E model aims to forge concrete concept-to-self and concept-to-world connections. The teacher encourages students to draw reasonable conclusions from data.

Activity: The students participate in making the various moon phases using Oreo cookies and a plastic knife. As they create models of the same, the teacher moves around clarifying any misunderstandings.
Rationale: The activity allows students to execute the ideas gained in new situations. It also provides additional proof, elucidations, and reasoning of introduced concepts.

Evaluate: This phase of the 5E model aims to help learners evaluate their comprehension and abilities (Duran & Duran, 2004). The teacher assesses student progress by comparing current comprehension with prior knowledge.

Activity: The teacher conducts both formal and informal evaluation of students’ understanding of core concepts. Evaluation is through open-ended questions and a class assignment where each student models the different phases of the moon in their correct sequence.
Rationale: The teacher is able to assess individual understanding of lesson concepts and students can also evaluate their own progress. Besides, the teacher is able to know which concepts require to be retaught.

Assessment Ideas: Describe three ideas for formative and/or summative assessments. Include at least one idea for a technology-based assessment. Briefly explain each assessment idea and discuss how it could be used to support one or more of the instructional activities listed above.
1. In class discussions – In-class discussions are an effective way of evaluating class understanding of concepts learned and knowledge gained.
2. Final presentations &nd...
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