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The Impact of Discussing What Students Read Aloud or Independently

Essay Instructions:

Write a two page reflection about the following topic:
Students engage in discussion with one another about a text that they have heard read aloud or one they have read independently.
Include information about what you read and add what you would do as the teacher to encourage this practice in your class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Topic
Student’s Name
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Course Title
Due Date
Reading and Discussions
Reading is a healthy practice taught in schools and other learning institutions. The listen, read, and discuss strategy is used to assist students in comprehending what is passed to them by the teacher (Kerr & Frese, 2017). A student reads a particular topic, which automatically triggers a discussion with the other students. Discussions can involve a small group of students or a large group. The essay will reflect on the impact of discussing what students read aloud or independently. Information on what has been read and what I would do as a teacher to promote this practice will be given.
Reading in groups or independently leads to discussions in the quest for more knowledge and information. Discussions assist the students in fully understanding the concepts that have been read (Kerr & Frese, 2017). Through discussions, the students can translate theoretical concepts into practice. Secondly, discussions engage and excite the students, making them pay undivided attention to academic concepts in class. Taking theory classes can sometimes be tedious and draining. Discussing in small or large groups keeps the mind awake and ready for more information.
Before students discuss, it is paramount for them to listen to the teacher or instructor to understand which topics should be read and when they should be read. After listening, the students should read aloud in groups or independently. After reading, the students engage in discussions to share what they have understood or to understand the concepts better. The teacher or the instructor usually leads the students to discuss the material that has been read (Rohman & Suwandi, 2021). For practical discussions, all students must have read the material/topics bei...
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