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IDEA and the IEP Process

Essay Instructions:

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that specific topics be covered in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting. The IEP team consists of general education teachers, special education teachers, a psychologist or counselor, administrators, parents/guardians, speech therapist, occupational therapist, and on occasion, the student and student advocate. Typically, a special education teacher serves as the case manager and is responsible for inviting attendees to the meeting and coordinating the meeting according to policies and regulations. Effective communication, interpersonal skills, problem solving skills, and data-driven decision-making are all prerequisites to facilitating a successful IEP meeting. Often, a school district will provide a checklist for teams to follow when developing and discussing the IEP to help ensure all responsibilities are met.

View "FIEP: A Facilitated IEP Meeting," paying special attention to the structure and collaborative nature of the meeting, the specific components of the IEP, and ways that the meeting demonstrates adherence to laws and ethical principles that govern special education. Note when viewing this example meeting that the administrator is the facilitator rather than the special education teacher, who would typically lead the meeting.

In a 1,000-1,250 word essay, articulate your knowledge of IDEA and the IEP process. The essay should address the following:

Summarize IDEA. Include discussion of professional practice standards and how these are used to guide the special education teacher in ensuring key components of the law such as free appropriate public education (FAPE), appropriate evaluation, least restrictive environment (LRE), and procedural safeguards are upheld (approximately 250 words).

Explain the importance of collaboration between members of the IEP team. Include discussion about who should be included on the IEP team, how parents and students participate in decision-making, which IEP team members’ attendance is required and which is optional, and how CEC Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards guide collaboration and execution of the IEP process (approximately 250 words).

Describe the IEP process. Explain what IDEA indicates must be done before, during, and after an IEP meeting. Include discussion of why executing the IEP process according to the established standards is essential to avoid due process disputes (approximately 250-500 words).

Identify the major components of the IEP and explain why each is important. Discuss the specific legal, ethical, and policy responsibilities related to developing the IEP to ensure it meets the educational, developmental, and medical services requirements for students with disabilities and their families. (approximately 250 words)

Consider what you saw in "FIEP: A Facilitated IEP Meeting" and describe the key takeaways you will consider as a new teacher participating in the IEP process (approximately 100 words).

Support the essay with a minimum of three scholarly resources.


View "FIEP: A Facilitated IEP Meeting," located on the Region 13 Education Service Center website (2020).



The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Differentiated Instruction

Read Chapter 1.



Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards for Special Educators

Review the CEC Ethical Principles, located on the CEC website.



Essay Sample Content Preview:

IDEA and the IEP Process
Institution Affiliation
"FAPE" stands for "free, appropriate public education" in legal terms. In a nutshell, FAPE is a personalized educational program tailored to a child's specific requirements, from which the kid benefits educationally and prepares them for future education, work, and independence. Special teachers must be allowed free reign to continue educating special children, and they must use the most up-to-date approaches (Clark, 2016). They must also be enabled by the state, as well as supported by the parents, because special children must be handled differently (Mueller, 2019).When a child with a handicap attends a K-12 grade educational institution that gets public money, an individualized education plan, or IEP, is a legal document that specifies the child's customized learning requirements and goals as specified by law.
To improve educational results for children with disabilities, teachers, parents, school administration, related services personnel, and students (where appropriate) can cooperate on the IEP. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the cornerstone of a wonderful education for every child with a disability, ensuring that he receives a sound education (Mueller, 2019).This is a complicated situation, since collaboration between parents, instructors, management, and technology is required to create a positive environment and maintain an up-to-date approach to provide a hassle-free education (Mueller, 2019). The provisions can vary depending on the scenario, and the actors are once again children, parents, and teachers, with the assistance of technology.
Certain people are required by law to be engaged in the creation of a child's Individualized Education Program. These are:
The parents of the kid, at least one teacher or provider of special education for the child, One or more regular teacher in the child's education, A school system spokesperson., a person able to evaluate the outcomes of the assessment, representatives of any other agency that may pay or provide transition services and other persons with knowledge or specific child skills.
At the IEP meeting, each team member presents essential information. To construct the child's Individualized Education Plan, members combine their resources and collaborate. Every individual's contribution to the team's understanding of the child and the services he or she need is priceless. Parents have an important role on the IEP team. You know your kid very well and you may talk about the skills and requirements of your child as well as your suggestions for better education of your child. You may offer information about the style, hobbies and other aspects of your children that only a parent can understand.
They may listen to the rest of the team's thoughts and ideas on how their child needs to work in school. They can also tell you whether your youngster uses his or her abilities at home at school. Teachers lead and attend a variety of sessions with the goal of identifying clear, quantifiable learner discoveries and developing instructional and behavioral plans to achieve these objectives (such as family meetings, individual education program teams, personalized family services planning teams, educational planning teams). They establish a meeting agenda, assign time to achieve the objectives of the agenda and promote consensus building by means of constructive verbal and nonverbal communication. Their efforts encourage various viewpoints to be shared.
One of the key elements to ensure that high quality instruction and a tailored learning environment to improve their education for children with special needs is the Individualized Education Program (IEP). This is made possible by seven steps, including:
The pre-referral procedure assists in determining if the child's behavioral and educational issues can be addressed in a general education classroom.
If pre-referral treatments are ineffective, the child should be referred to special educational services. References can be made by parents, children's health professionals, nurses, physicians and social welfare institutions. Special education services can be referred at any stage in the life of a child and might vary significantly in accordance with its unique needs.
In a special evaluation, the kid has a disability requiring special educational services. When a recommendation is issued (...
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