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How to Connect Techniques of Motivation and Active Learning to Support Adult Learners

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description
Knowing what motivates adults is important for the doctorally prepared educator. This includes understanding that life stage is a formidable force in the motivation of adult learners and that a technique such as active learning allows adults to participate in learning and thereby capitalizes on the characteristics that motivate them to learn. In this assignment, you will explore the application of motivational and learning techniques that support adult learners.
General Requirements:
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This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral level writing. The Manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.
This assignment requires that at least four additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that describes how to connect techniques of motivation and active learning to support adult learners. Include the following in your paper:
A research-based discussion of the motivational techniques shown to support adult learners.
A research-based discussion of the learning techniques shown to support adult learners.
A discussion of how to apply these motivational and learning techniques to adult learners in the classroom.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Motivation and Learning Techniques
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Motivation and Learning Techniques Adult learners, or students older than the typical university age of 18 to 25, are increasingly becoming more prevalent in higher education. This group incorporates a more significant part of the student body in online and physical classes in American educational institutions. The US Department of Education data illustrates a constant increase in the proportion of adult learners among the overall number of students enrolled (NCES, 2021). Addressing the learning of age-diverse people requires age-oriented courses that support the unique demands of adult learners in the classroom. The education sector and scientific literature library must adjust their approaches and curriculums in response to this development in the education sector. Teaching techniques for this kind of population in school have to be different from the normalized systems due to unique traits, values, beliefs, and standards. Furthermore, motivation techniques for adult learners are necessary since the older generation can easily quit the education system due to society’s perception that they are slow and late learners. Thus, stakeholders should determine feasible and efficacy-based techniques for teaching adults, motivating them to remain in class and finish their courses while identifying the efficient application of the adopted methods. Instructional Strategies for Adult Learners and their Implementation The American National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) statistically illustrates the ongoing growth in adult learners at degree-granting institutions. Trends reveal that from 1991 to 2001, total adult student enrollment increased by 11% and another 20% from 2003 to 2013 (NCES, 2021). In 2013 alone, post-secondary institutions enrolled an estimated 7 million students aged 25 and older, and experts project the number to rise to approximately 9,760,000 learners by 2025 (NCES, 2021). Due to such skewed statistics, teaching techniques should adapt to changes and promote learning continuity. The first approach is the constructivist model, where teaching focuses on critical thinking abilities through inquiry, problem-based, and discovery learning strategies. This method purposes to equip students to be autonomous adult learners by emphasizing practical, influential information literacy and critical thinking abilities (McCall et al., 2018). Its implementation would include tailoring library training as a requirement for adult learners and externally exploring abilities to increase their overall academic achievement and engagement. The use of scaffolding in education is another constructivist technique. Scaffolding is the process of breaking down difficult jobs or abilities into smaller, more manageable chunks for completion through a stepped approach (McCall et al., 2018). It makes the activity less stressful and easier to do and allows adult learners to track their progress. These students can benefit from a variety of scaffolding techniques while learning information literacy. Implementation of the tactic occurs in the case of first-year adult learners, who may require extra support while they adjust to their new academic environment. Continuing adult learners can also be influenced to use library-based and course-linked technologies progressively taught through instructor follow-ups. Experiential learning is a technique popularized for its capacity to trigger notable impacts in education. For an adult learner’s instructor, the term “experiential” has two angles - recognizing the person’s life experiences and essential knowledge and active involvement throughout the session. The main facet of this idea is to draw on the participants’ wealth of knowledge and expertise wherever possible (McCall et al., 2018). Educators achieve this goal by eliciting personal tales from participants and employing testimonials and problem-solving tactics. The second factor might take a variety of shapes, where all the instructor’s activities involve the learners to make learning more experiential. One can apply this method by relying on conversations in small groups, skits, debates, experiments, and role-playing to ensure students learn from experience. Relying on a diverse learning technique that upholds all cultures, ethnicities, races, and societal orientations is invaluable for adult learning. Bengo (2020) argues that being sensitive to older learners’ differences without over-generalizing based on racial, cultural, or age prejudices is critical. Instructors and librarians must be aware of and respect the different generations’ perspectives, beliefs, attitudes, and cultures in the classroom and employ diverse and culturally inclusive resources. Adult students should feel comfortable asking questions and disclosing challenges at the school, which should be an emot...
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