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Historical Theories and Reflection on Early Childhood Education

Essay Instructions:


AllAssignmentListECE 130: Topic 1 - Historical Theories and Reflection Due Date: August 21, 2022

Max Points: 75

Details:Child development theories provide frameworks to understand human change across the lifespan. This topic will review the basic issues, historical foundations, and theoretical frameworks that underpin the field of early childhood education. Topic materials in this topic address physical and cognitive growth of children and how individual patterns and experiences can affect the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development of children.Complete the “Historical Theories and Reflection Template” and include the following information in your template:•Five major child development theories that have shaped early childhood education from the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s through contemporary times. (Make sure you are referencing major development theories here. If it has not been mentioned in our course readings, it is likely not major. There are many theories, but only development theories should be included.)•Time period when the theory was widely applied in early childhood education. (This is not the lifespan of the theorist, but the time in which the theory was widely used. It often begins with the date that the theory was published.)•Description of each theory including how the theory relates to early childhood development. (If you are using a general label for the theory – for example, Cognitive Theory, don’t forget to mention the theorist here.)•Influence on early childhood education, including how the theory addresses the basic issues of child development (nature versus nurture, continuous or discontinuous development, one or many courses of development), and the historical views that educators and/or philosophers had regarding how young children learn.Remember that it is important to be guided by the course readings for each assignment here.In conjunction with the template, write a 250-500 word reflection describing how you would like to incorporate aspects of these theories into your future teaching practice. Describe examples of instructional or environmental strategies that are aligned to theories of child development and can be used to promote the growth and well-being of young children in early childhood educational settings.Support your findings with 3-4 scholarly resources.Note that the template has provided you a space for the reflection and the resources (or “Reference List”), so you will not need a separate page for this.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite Technical Support Articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Historical Theories and Reflection Template
Major Child Development Theories

Time Period

Description of Theory

Influence on Early Childhood Education

Maturation Theory

Early to the mid-20th century.

The theory suggests that children’s development is significantly impacted by an individual’s hereditary. As such, their natural genetic ability to do things progresses as they grow (Saracho, 2021). In addition, the theory indicates that harsh environmental circumstances can only delay their aptitude. They cannot generate or improve it. In a word, the theory holds that development comes from within.

The theory influences how education stakeholders, such as researchers and policymakers, recognize the development of young children (Saracho, 2021). They believe that development progresses biologically and instinctively results in successive stages.

Constructivist Theory

The mid-1990s

This theory suggests that persons actively establish their personal knowledge and meaning from their experiences. It also holds that children have particular knowledge of the world from birth (Saracho, 2021). Such knowledge helps them to interpret the outside world, while newly acquired knowledge helps them to adjust their understanding. Theorists of this approach contend that obtaining knowledge and cultivating innovative perspectives is a lifelong procedure.

The theory views children as an integral part of their learning. It suggests that children employ social or physical knowledge as their primary sources and perspectives for information. As such, they are active participants in their learning processes. In addition, proponents of this theory seek to excite children’s desire to learn. The approach also shows that children learn and develop through interactions with their environment.

Behaviorist Theory

Early 20th century

The theory was the brainchild of a Russian theorist known as Ivan Pavlov. It suggests that learning entails adjustments in behavior (Saracho, 2021). This results from strengthening the relationship between the stimuli of a situation and reactions from individuals. Theorists of this approach contend that behavioral responses occur after a satisfying effect.

The theory played a pivotal role in habit training by emphasizing observing children's behavior. Equally important, the approach has impacted early childhood special education (Saracho, 2021). Special educators use the theory to create training programs for children with special needs.

Ecological Theory

Mid to late 20th century

The theory was developed by an American psychologist, Urie Bronfenbrenner, in the 1970s. It indicates that the environment impacts children’s development in every respect (Saracho, 2021). It further suggests that children’s environments differ with every situation. According to the theory, children’s knowledge of their surrounding environment helps theorists explain, systemize, a...
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