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Higher-Order Thinking Strategies

Essay Instructions:

It is crucial for teachers to be aware of and implement several strategies that promote higher-order thinking.

Part 1: Higher-Order Thinking Strategies Template

For this assignment, complete the “Higher-Order Thinking Strategies Template.” Select a national or state standard that differs from the lesson you delivered in your Clinical Field Experience and create a unique learning activity to engage students in higher-order thinking.

Part 2: Reflection

In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on the activity you developed for higher-order thinking, as well as how you will design learning experiences in your future classroom to promote engagement, use questioning for higher-order thinking, and encourage deep discussion.

Support your ideas with 2-3 scholarly resources.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Higher-order Thinking Strategies Template and Reflection
Institutional Affiliate
Higher-order Thinking Strategies Template and Reflection
Part 1: Higher-Order Thinking Skills: Content Area
National/State Learning Standard(s)

Next Generation Science Standard: HS-LS1-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the structure of DNA determines the structure of proteins, which carry out the essential functions of life through systems of specialized cells.

Specific Learning Targets/Objective(s)

* Students will be able to explain how specialized cells help in the performance of essential functions within organisms.
* Students will be able to explain the role and importance of DNA molecules in all cells.
* Students will also define and explain the role of genes in forming proteins.
* Students will establish the correlation between the structure of DNA and the subsequent structure of proteins formed as per the instructions contained in the genes.

Higher-Order Thinking Strategies

Anticipatory Set:

Students will be asked to explain what they know about DNA, RNA, and their roles in ensuring effective performances of essential functions in all cells within organisms. The previous course introduced students to the cellular functions within organisms, thus providing them with the scope or core ideas of the lesson. Students will further engage in group discussions on the functions of cells in organisms, and the role played by DNA to ensure effective performance of the same. The group discussions will also highlight other essential functions and roles of DNA in cells within organisms.

Multiple Means of Engagement:

1 Students will have to remember the importance of cellular functions within organisms. Remembering the functions of cells within organisms prompts students to question how they achieve the desired outcomes effectively.
2 Open classroom discussions on DNA, proteins, and cellular activities. The approach enhances students’ curiosity on the topic who respond with questions that will address their quest for knowledge and understanding of the lesson.
3 Students will display the process and changes that occur to the structure of DNA towards developing the protein structure for diverse cellular functions.
4 Students will explain the importance of antibodies to the structure and function of DNA
5 Students will learn and elaborate on the role of antibodies in restoring homeostasis in organisms and highlight the role of medication to achieve the same outcome.

Examples of Higher-Order Question:

1 What are the examples of essential functions of life carried out by cells within organisms?
2 What is the role of DNA in cells within organisms?
3 What are the functions of proteins in cells or cellular organisms?
4 What is the essential function of antibodies?
5 How does the immune system of a healthy human respond to harmful bacteria and maintain homeostasis?

Multiple Means of Expression:

* The use of platforms such as Kahoot makes for an excellent informal assessment approach as it allows students to share what they know about the lesson taught. The platforms will enable the teacher to post discussion questions, quizzes, and conduct surveys through which they can capture and gauge the students’ higher-order thinking and learni...
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