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Guided Field Experience: Submission

Essay Instructions:
Assignment Content This guided field experience has provided you with the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to positively impact student learning and practice the cycle of effective teaching in the process. Refer to the Guided Field Experience Instructions and confirm that you have completed each step of the following sections: Part 2: Pre-Assessment and Data Analysis Part 3: Instructional Planning and Lesson Delivery Part 4: Post-Assessment and Data Analysis Part 5: Reflective Practice Part 6: Performance Evaluation Part 2: Pre-Assessment and Data Analysis Write a minimum of 175-word summary in which you: Describe the pre-assessment, including why it was chosen and how it aligns with the content area standard(s) and the lesson’s learning goals/objectives. Explain how the pre-assessment was scored and what the data indicated. Describe the students’ strengths and key areas of opportunity based on the pre-assessment. Part 3: Instructional Planning and Lesson Delivery Write a minimum of 175-word summary in which you: Describe your level of comfortability with instructional planning and lesson delivery, including what you could do to become more comfortable. Explain the successes and challenges you experienced during the lesson’s delivery. Describe the supports you provided to students during your lesson delivery, including their impact on student learning. Write a minimum of 175-word summary in which you: Describe the post-assessment, including why it was chosen and how it aligns with the content area standard(s) and learning goals/objectives. Explain how the post-assessment was scored and what the data indicated. Describe the students’ strengths and key areas of opportunity based on the post-assessment Part 5: Reflective Practice Write a minimum 525-word reflective summary of your guided field experience in which you address the following: Analysis of the Lesson’s Results Describe how the students performed on the post-assessment vs. the pre-assessment. Explain how the students did (or did not) master the lesson goals/objectives, including what you believe accounts for these results and how this may inform future instruction. Reflective Teaching Practice Describe what went well and what did not go well in your lesson delivery, including how the students responded to your instruction. Explain how you positively impacted student learning in this experience, including specific examples to support your explanation. Dispositions of Effective Educators Reflect on your planning and lesson delivery and consider your performance related to the following dispositions of an effective educator: Professional competence and responsibility Collaborative relationships Valuing diversity Critical thinking and reflection Describe how you demonstrated each of these dispositions, including examples to support your explanation. Explain how you will continue developing your disposition to be an effective educator.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Enhancing Student Learning Through Guided Field Experience Student Full Name Institutional Affiliation Course Full Title Instructor Full Name Due date Enhancing Student Learning Through Guided Field Experience Part 2: Pre-Assessment and Data Analysis Administer pre-assessment: This pre-test was administered in collaboration with the classroom teacher to assess students' abilities in writing informative/explanatory texts. Analyze the Collected Data: After administering the pre-assessment, data was reviewed and analyzed with the classroom teacher to look for trends and areas that warranted additional instruction. Select Student Group: From the data analysis, the small group selected consisted of learners with similar writing needs. It allowed more specific instructions and individualized attention when needed. Summary: The annualized writing task selected for pre-assessment assessed the student's ability to write informative/explanatory texts. Since it is well-suited to the New Jersey content standard W.1.2, it focuses on writing informative texts with a topic, supporting facts, and a conclusion. It will help establish students' proficiency levels at the outset and flow quite harmoniously with the goals of this lesson in improving writing structure and coherence. This pre-assessment scoring used a developed rubric examining content understanding, coherence, and language uses. It showed that while many students could name a topic and come up with some basic facts, they needed help coming up with a coherent conclusion (Ramesh & Sanampudi, 2021). Analysis indicated that students were vital in generating ideas and recalling factual information. Some other critical areas for improvement included keeping their thoughts logically organized and more effectively bringing the writing pieces to a close. These insights informed the instructional planning and the selection of a small group for targeted intervention. Part 3: Instructional Planning and Lesson Delivery Lesson Plan: Information from the pre-assessment helped me complete the Lesson Plan Template. The lesson focuses on key areas of struggle in students' thoughts and how to write clear conclusions. Teach the Lesson: The selected small group of pupils received instruction in the lesson. Activities and assistance exist to help students develop their writing abilities regarding the class goals. Select post-assessment: To directly contrast student development and identify the most successful teaching tactics, I collaborated with the classroom instructor to choose a post-assessment that is identical to the pre-assessment. Summary There was moderate comfort with instructional planning and lesson delivery. More practice in lesson delivery and feedback from experienced teachers increased comfort. Professional development focused on classroom management and instructional strategies also had the potential to enhance comfort. Some successes noted during lesson delivery included the students being engaged and actively participating in the writing activities. By using graphic organizers, systematization helped students structure their ideas and begin to write clearly and coherently (Welch & Williams, 2020). The challenges were classroom behavior management and keeping every student focused on the task. These challenges showed the need for more vital classroom management skills and techniques to keep students on task. During lesson delivery, there were various supports provided to the students. The students began to logically structure their thoughts with the help of graphic organizers, improving their writing. Step-by-step instructions and modeling also enhanced student learning processes (Abdulrahaman et al., 2020). For instance, breaking down the writing process into manageable steps helped students understand the process better and develop more coherent writing pieces. The support imposed upon them positively affected pupils' learning, evidenced by an increased ability to organize thoughts and write coherent conclusions. This intervention is inserted for some needs highlighted by the pre-assessment data and helped pupils improve in writing and become more confident in their abilities. Part 4: Post-Assessment and Data Analysis Administer post-assessment: The same group of students who did the pre-assessment did the post-assessment. Analyze the Data: The classroom teacher and I examined and analyzed the post-assessment data to ascertain the educational tactics' efficacy. Summary The post-assessment consisted of all of the same components as the pre-assessment because this would be a valid comparison. Students continued to work on writing informative/explanatory composition, addressing New Jersey content standard W.1.2. This measured their ability to state a topic w...
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