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Free Tuition In Canada: Classes Undertaken By Students

Essay Instructions:

Needs to persuade the reader that tuition in Canada should be free at universities and colleges.
Compare to other countries where it is successful as example.
Needs to be 750 words.
All sources need to be websites, reputable websites, valid websites.
BELOW is an example of a paper that got a 100% according to my teacher.

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Debt, like most undesirable situations, is easy to get into, but hard to get out of. In Canada, for every dollar of income, there is 1.5 dollars of debt, and household debt has now surpassed 1.5 trillion dollars (Action Canada, 2011, pp.4-5). One of the major sources of household debt is increased borrowing from credit providers (p.7). It is not rare to see a credit card company set up a kiosk on a school campus targeting students as potential clientele, which causes some to argue that credit card companies are preying on financially strapped students. Though credit card companies do benefit from gaining new customers, to state they are taking advantage of students is misguided. A credit card company on campus benefits the student and the provider because it teaches students financial responsibility, provides students with additional funds and gives students potential employment opportunities, while increasing the customer base and spreading the brand name of the card provider.

The first argument to support the presence of credit card companies on campus is that it teaches students financial responsibility. When credit providers offer students a credit card, they realize students do not have a lot of available money. Neither the provider, nor the student benefit if the student cannot pay their bills, which is why credit card companies offer a low limit, as low as $500, to students (Scotiabank, 2016). With a limit of $500, the risk of incurring large amounts of debt is minimal. Getting a credit card will also educate students on making timely payments and how interest rates affect the amount owed. Interest can add up quickly, but if the amount lent is low, then the accrued interest will be considerably reduced. Therefore, if a student misses a payment, the resulting interest will not be nearly as financially crippling. A student may find they need immediate access to a larger quantity of capital, which they can acquire by increasing their credit limit. A student who has never owned a credit card will be hard pressed to receive a high credit limit, while a student who has a credit card and pays their debt in a timely manner will have garnered a high credit rating. A high credit rating will allow the student to increase their credit limit (Kozicka, 2015). It is clear that procuring a credit card is a good way to teach financial responsibility.

The second point that supports the presence of credit card companies on campus is that it provides the student with additional funds. Despite all of humanity's greatest achievements, as of yet, humans still cannot predict the future. Though a student may have a full wallet today, can the same be said about tomorrow? One of the advantages of a credit card is that it provides the student with funds in case of an emergency. A student should get a credit card for this reason alone, as most credit cards available to students do not have additional charges or annual fees. A student can, in theory, get a credit card and never use it if they do not want to without any repercussions. A credit card also provides students with an additional option for completing a transaction. It has become rare to find a business that does not accept cash, credit and debit as methods of payment; however, there are still some exceptions. One such exception is that, “in 2010, Air Canada and West Jet announced they would no longer accept cash as payment for on board purchases” (Hermiston & Steele, 2013, para.3). Although this may seem like an isolated occurrence, a movement towards electronic payment rather than cash has been gaining momentum. The movement is largely because electronic transactions remove the risk of counterfeit money and protects the business against theft (para.2-3). There is an obvious benefit to having access to the additional funds a credit card provides.

Lastly, having a credit provider on campus creates employment opportunities. Manning a kiosk on a campus requires the hiring of personnel, thereby resulting in the creation of jobs, which is beneficial to the community as a whole by reducing the rate of unemployment. A benefit for the credit card company is that it introduces their brand to the students, which results in an influx of new customers. Communication is vital to sell a company's brand and product. By introducing their product-which in this case is credit cards-to students, they are inducing consumer loyalty, which will prove benefits to the card provider's future business (Kapoor, 2009, p.19). Having an employee on site from the credit card company may also serve as a networking opportunity for students who have an education in sales or financing. A professional in the student's field of study would be a useful resource, as they would have knowledge pertinent to finding a job in that field.

It can be concluded that a credit card company on campus is beneficial to both students and the card provider because it teaches financial responsibility, provides additional funds and creates potential employment opportunities, while increasing the customer base and spreading the brand name of the card provider. Learning financial responsibility in a low risk situation can help prevent future debt. Access to additional funds provides the student with insurance in an emergency and the creation of job opportunities is beneficial to the student's search for employment. Credit card providers are in no way altruists and should not be thought of as such; however, the benefit that access to credit provides to students is considerable and should not be overlooked.


Action Canada. (2011). Debt Crunch: Policy Recommendations for Addressing Canada's Record Level of Household Debt. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from http://site(dot)ebrary(dot)com(dot)eztest(dot)ocls(dot)ca/lib/ocls/reader.action?docID=10497798

Hermiston, S. & Steele, L. (2013, January 25). Can a Business Refuse to Accept Cash?

CTV News Vancouver. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from http://bc(dot)ctvnews(dot)ca/can-a-business-refuse-to-accept-cash-1.1128263

Kapoor, J. (2009). 24 Brand Mantras: Finding a Place in the Minds and Hearts of

Consumers. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from http://eds(dot)b(dot)ebscohost(dot)com(dot)eztest(dot)ocls(dot)ca/eds/ebookviewer/ebook/ZTAwMHhuYV9fMjc4MzU4X19BTg2?sid=fb739109-d8f8-4580-8861-97180729031f@sessionmgr112&vid=4&format=EB&rid=2

Kozicka, P. (2015, March 4). What Affects Your Credit Rating and How Can You Improve It? Global News. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from http://globalnews(dot)ca/news/1858868/what-affects-your-credit-rating-and-how-you can-improve-it/

Scotiabank, (2016). L'earn Visa Card. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Free Tuition in Canada
Student’s Name
Free Tuition in Canada
Education is a basic need, more so tertiary education. Tuition fee caters for the introduction and classes undertaken by students. The amount of tuition fees paid is determined by the level of education being pursued, the standards of the institution, and the program of your choice. Most tertiary institutions derive their revenue from tuition payments from students learning at such schools. Universities and colleges are among these organizations. The state of affairs in a country, for instance, the economy, dictates the amount of tuition fee charged especially at universities and college.
Parents make an effort to support their studying children’s education and training to enable them obtain a well-paying job in the future. The cost of tuition in Canada has been rising constantly killing the parents’ morale. Statistics have it that tuition fee in Canada almost tripled within the last decade (Coelli, 2007). The parents’ inability to raise such large amounts of tuition fee such as $ 6610 dollars by 2013 left the motivated students only with the option of signing up for student loans to fund their education. This should not be the case since not everyone secures a job immediately after obtaining a bachelor of science or arts. As such, settling these loans becomes a great load for some students.
Graduating from a recognized university or college is a qualification for securing a job. Since everyone has gone to university, the standards for acquiring a job have long been stepped up. University education has become a basic requirement for getting hired. As a matter of fact, one has to further their studies in order to maintain their position at work or keep the job. The need for the government to support students to acquire a degree so that they can finance their studies has become noble. Taking this step will encourage Canadian students to pursue their studies thus nurturing an enlightened generation.
Judging from international records, Canada has the sixth highest undergraduate fees among OECD states, this excludes the extortionate fees Canadian Universities charge international students. Free university is however common across the world. Majority of European Union countries and other such as Sri Lanka and Brazil offer free tuition at their tertiary institutions. The economic state of such countries as Brazil is just as vibrant as that of Canada. This infers that Canada can afford to implement the free college and university tuition policy.
Education is financed by the provincial rather than the federal government. As such, the federal government has to step up its financial supply towards provincial governments so as to support free tuition. Getting priorities right is the initial step towards executing free tuition in Canada. The cost of tuition is also critical since the provinces decide on their expenditure. Establishing the amount of money required to fund ...
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