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First Grade Culminating Project: Learning Basic Math Skills

Essay Instructions:

Summative assessment of self-directed student learning is more than just giving students a list of culminating projects from which to select. Allowing students to select a project to demonstrate their mastery of concepts, supports the idea of self-directed learning, gives students ownership of how they grasp the material presented in class, and is an effective strategy for differentiation.

Teachers need to plan how culminating projects will assess learning objectives that are tied to state learning standards. Teachers also need to plan how they will guide students in understanding the learning objectives on which they will be assessed, and how they can provide students with meaningful feedback on their learning. It is also important for teachers to consider methods for assessing the same learning objectives across a variety of culminating projects.

For this assignment, select a grade level K-3 and create a project information sheet to be distributed to students and their families. Because the deliverable will be completed in the home environment, the information sheet must be complete enough for students and families to use as a guide.

The project information sheet must include the following in child-friendly language:

Explanation of the purpose of the culminating project.

A minimum of three learning objectives students will need to demonstrate in their projects. The objectives must align with your state’s learning standards in either literacy, mathematics, science, or any combination of the three content areas, for the grade level selected.

A list of four possible culminating projects from which students can select. At least one must include technology.

Expectations of the project deliverable including the use of technology.

Explanation of how students will present the project to their peers during class time.

A student-friendly rubric that aligns with the expectations, including a line for the presentation deliverable. The rubric must address how you will formatively check for understanding during the student presentation and a summative overview of the project as a whole.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Culminating Project Assignment
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
First Grade Culminating Project
We live in a world that is almost always based on mathematical elements. There is math everywhere—and there are a lot of things we can ask about that will use math. How long did I sleep last night? Telling time and knowing how much of it has passed employs basic subtraction. How much money did my mom give me for ice cream? Familiarization with coins can be helpful here. Essentially, a child's formative years allow them to learn basic lessons that they can improve as they grow older and learn new skills using what they already know.
This series of projects will aid your child in learning basic math skills that will help them in daily decision-making and build their foundation for the coming years of school.
Learning Objectives:
After this project, the student will be able to:
1 Estimate the size of larger items using smaller items;
2 Distinguish between parts and wholes;
3 Identify the value of coins and group them to form amounts; and
4 Attribute shapes and their basic properties.
Project 1: Measurements
Estimation is a handy skill we adults use in our daily lives. "How much distance should we be from another car?" We usually answer that by "one car length per 10 mph" and not "three seconds ahead." The same goes for smaller things like "How many egg rolls is worth your height?" and some other more practical applications. It is important to teach your child measurement and estimation. You can do this by asking your child to measure a wooden block by how many paper clips it takes to cover its length (Van de Walle, 1998).
Expectation: The student is expected to estimate the size of larger objects when using smaller objects as a reference.
Project 2: Parts and a Whole
As a sumptuous treat, pies are generally appealing to children. For this project, you will use a whole pie (or any food or item that can be portioned) to demonstrate the difference between parts and wholes. A whole pie can be used to explain that the object is "whole" as it has no missing parts. Cut out a piece of the pie and show it to the student. Afterward, the student should realize that the once whole pie was no longer whole and that the slice of pie is the "part."
Expectation: The student should be able to differentiate the part from the whole of any given item.
Project 3: Coins and Counting Money
Money makes the world go round—usually. Despite the increased use of cards...
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