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Field Experience on School Psychologist and Administrator Interviews

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Assessment Description

School psychologists play a critical role in evaluation and determination of eligibility for special education services. They often consult with teachers and families about characteristics of disabilities and types of services and supports available in the school system and community. As leaders, school administrators must have a thorough understanding of IDEA and the IEP process. They are responsible for ensuring all teachers have working knowledge regarding these topics, so IEPs can be properly implemented to meet the needs of students with disabilities.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Because this course does not require you to have a fingerprint clearance card, if you are not a current teacher your field experience must be completed before or after school, or during another designated time when students are not present.
In person or via phone, interview a school psychologist and a school administrator from any K-12 setting. Take notes, as these will be submitted as part of the assignment deliverable.

In the interview, address the following:
Explain your role as a member of the special education team.
Discuss the specific responsibilities you have in meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities.
Describe your role in the IEP process.
Explain when teachers should consult with you regarding the special education needs of their students.
Describe the role of the school in early intervention. Include discussion about how you communicate that to the family and how you support the staff.
Describe your experiences in working with students with disabilities by talking about the various disabilities you have encountered. Include discussion of the characteristics, causes, and prevalence of the types of disabilities you typically see in practice.
Considering the students with whom you have worked and the types of disabilities you typically see, describe the educational implications for students who exhibit characteristics of these disabilities. Explain how you have worked with these students and what you have encouraged teachers to focus on when interacting with and teaching students with these types of disabilities.
Identify professional development opportunities related to special education that you believe would benefit staff in the school and/or district.
Describe what you do for professional development in terms of implementing interventions before starting the special education process at your site.
Formulate and ask three additional questions of your choice. Include these in your interview notes.

In a 750-1,000 word reflection, identify the school settings for the professionals you interviewed and discuss the following:
Describe what you learned about the typical types of disabilities you might expect to see as part of your professional practice. Include discussion of how interacting with the school psychologist could be beneficial in increasing your personal knowledge of the characteristics, causes, and educational implications of these disabilities for students in your classroom.
Describe the perceived differences in roles between the school psychologist and the administrator. Discuss how knowledge of these roles will help you facilitate the collaborative process before referral to special education and throughout the IEP process. Explain how you will use support from the school psychologist and administration once the IEP is written and services have begun.
Discuss how you perceive your role as a teacher in professional development. Explain how you can contribute to and collaborate with an administrator or school psychologist to support other staff and faculty in understanding their roles in the special education process.
Considering what you learned from these two interviews as well as those completed in “Field Experience A,” describe how you will use the experiences shared by the teachers, psychologist, and administrator to inform your personal professional practice.

Submit your interview notes and reflection.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form
Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to the learning management system in the last topic. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Field Experience B: School Psychologist and Administrator Interviews
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Field Experience B: School Psychologist and Administrator Interviews
To provide individualized learning and special education for students who need extra support in schools, teachers have to work with parents, school administrators, and other related service personnel such as school psychologists. I interviewed a school administrator and a school psychologist from a K-12 setting to understand their role in providing special education to students with different disabilities and how I can work with them to support students in need of special education.
As part of my professional practice, I could expect several typical types of disabilities. I could expect learning disabilities such as dyslexia, autism spectrum disorder, speech/language impairment, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), intellectual disability, hearing impairment, emotional disturbance, and development delay. Learning disabilities or what is known as specific learning disabilities are disorders that affect a child's ability to speak, read, write, spell, calculate, think or listen. I learned from my interviewees that this is the most common disability in schools based on their experience. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) (2022) reveals that specific learning disability is the most common form of disability among students under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), affecting over 33% of students aged 3-21 years. The other disabilities include speech-language impairment, autism, and developmental delay. I learned that school psychologists play a significant role in identifying students with disabilities. As a teacher, interacting with them can give me a deeper insight into different disabilities and how to best support special education students and their families. It could be beneficial because school psychologists can help me design effective strategies to address any academic and behavioral issues that students with disabilities may face in my classroom and beyond.
From the interview, I learned that there are perceived differences in the roles of the school psychologist and administrator. For instance, the perceived primary function of the school psychologist is to identify students with disabilities to meet their special education needs. Drew and Gonzalez (2021) reveal that school psychologists assess students to establish their eligibility for special education and provide support to ensure students succeed academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. On the other hand, the perceived role of the school administrators is to support special education students by reviewing the school's obligation to students with special education needs under IDEA and obtaining information on students before their IEP meetings. They also empower their teachers with what is required to facilitate their provision of special education services to students. McCaw (2020) reveals that school administrators empower special education and general teachers through professional development to boost their co-teaching activities and ensure inclusive learning among students with disabilities.
The knowledge about these roles will ensure I know who to consult on special education issues. For instance, if I observe that a student might need special education, I will consult with the school psychologist because, professionally, they can assess the student (Drew & Gonzalez, 2021). If I want support for co-teaching, I will consult the school administrator because he can facilitate co-teaching (McCaw, 2020). After the IEP has been written, I would also use support from the psychologist to ensure that the child is receiving any psychological services needed and use help from the school administrator to ensure that the IEP is implemented as written.
I perceive my role as a teacher as instrumental, especially in helping students with disabilities achieve academic success and feel included in our education system. I have to collaborate with others to ensure students with disabilities receive effective special education. Based on this perception, I believe that p...
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