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Fair Assessments Tools and Their Validity and Reliability

Essay Instructions:

You will complete a single-spaced, one-page response, synthesizing and reflecting on course readings. As you read each week, be sure to take notes, make real-world connections, write down what puzzles you, what strikes you, what would you like to discuss further, etc.

Your one-pager should synthesize the key ideas from the course readings and your thoughts on the readings. The one-pagers will not only help you read purposefully and build deeper conceptual understandings, but they will also serve as a resource for your active participation in class. One-pagers will provide discussion starters and weekly check-ins regarding your growing understandings of the historical and contemporary contexts for literacy assessment, in addition to assessment theory, research, practice, and policy.

Required Reading are as followed:

- Taylor, C. (2022). Culturally and socially responsible assessment: Theory, research, and practice. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

• Ch. 1 Theoretical Perspectives on Assessment in Diverse Classrooms

• Ch. 2 Bias and Sensitivity Issues in Classroom Assessment

• Ch. 3 Culturally Relevant and Socially Responsive Assessment

• Ch. 4 Student Engagement and Assessment

- Aukerman et al (2019). Race, ideology, and cultural representation in Raz-Kids. Language Arts, 96(5), 286-299.

- Sullivan (2011). A primer on the validity of assessment instruments. Journal of Graduate Medicine Education, 3(2), 119-120.

- Notar et al (2010). The table of specifications: Insuring accountability in teacher made tests. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 31(2), 115-129.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Critique #3
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Article Synthesis #3
Fairness is considerably one of the most essential tenet of a functioning society. Consequently, fairness should be one of the factors that have to be evaluated when determining the assessments tools to be used in a classroom. Taylor (2022) observes that educators have to develop the skills required to enable a truthful assessment of students with diverse cultural identities given that assessment practices are informed by socially constructed systems. A just and equitable educational context cannot exist without the presence of fair classroom assessment tools. Consequently, the creation of fair assessment tool and adoption of fair assessment classroom practice emerges as an important skill for educators.
For an educator to develop fair assessment tools and practices, one has to be conversant with the concept of validity and reliability. Sullivan (2011) describe reliability as the extent to which a given assessment instrument yields similar result every time it is used within the same setting for the same type of subject. On the other hand, validity is a consideration of the extent to which a given measurement tool ends up providing accurate information about the underlying outcome of interest. Taylor (2022) posits that validity theory in education is mainly informed by the need to explore the extent to which scores and grades reflect the educator’s perception about them and the consideration of the extent to which an educator can use the grade as initially intended.
With the validity theory in mind, an educator has to consider various approaches that can be used to guarantee the validity and reliability of a given test. Some of the approaches from the weekly reading included the use previously developed outcome measures with adequate details on the limitations of the measures. An educator can also rigorously develop their own assessment tool using experts and piloting the instrument before its use. In all, an educator should consider the elements of reliability and validity when developing assessment tools. To this end, Notar et al. (2010) provide the Table of Specifications as a potential tool that teachers can use to mini...
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