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Ethnic and linguistic diversity

Essay Instructions:
Analyse the relationship between your selected Topic and equitable educational outcomes in the Australian schooling or Early Childhood Education (ECE) setting. (850 words) Using the sociological literature, Identify ONE major implication of this analysis for teaching and learning in a local setting. (150 words) analyse the relationship between a unit Topic and equitable outcomes, and to consider resultant implications.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor Date Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity The need to raise levels of ethno-cultural diversity in modern societies is shaping how education is distributed and how learning is practiced in contemporary schools. Australia is a place where varied cultures and languages hold a rich tapestry of ethnicities and linguistic backgrounds in its education system. Nurturing such diversity is important for supporting unbiased educational results in both schooling and Early Childhood education. This paper examines the complex relationship between ethnic and linguistic diversity and the results for equitable education in Australia, highlighting its implications for teaching and learning. Relationship Between Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity and Equitable Educational Outcomes Language and linguistic diversity play a significant role in inequalities in academic success. Reports show that about 25% of preschoolers in Australia communicate in a language other than English at home, rising a greater comprehension of ECEs' insights towards and involvement of children's language and cultural resources as a crucial aspect (Slaughter et al., 2024). As a migrant mainstream nation, about 51-5% of Australians are born in foreign nations or have at least one or two parents with foreign origin. This includes English-speaking and non-English speaking nations. Moreover, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders’ population is also increasing, with 3.2% in 2021. Such linguistic and cultural multiplicity in these populations offers a direct imperious for the Australian schooling, such as ECE, where more than 25% of individuals are non-English speakers, speaking over 300 languages other than English (Slaughter et al., 2024). Such results demonstrate significant challenges in ensuring equitable education within the diverse population. It calls for educators’ perspectives towards and involvement of student’s linguistic and cultural resources in school settings. Research has also identified that learners from diverse cultural and linguistic settings experience significant challenges in accessing quality education (Elias & Mansouri, 2023). While the Australian public policy landscape strives for inclusivity in education, it has often grappled with the complexities of addressing the exclusive needs of its diverse population. For instance, ethnically diverse Australians with disabilities present a complicated group whose linguistic and cultural needs necessitate cautious contemplation in policy-making. However, such a journey to inclusivity has experienced significant challenges (Elias & Mansouri, 2023). Delusions from policy-making consequential from prejudices or absence of enough representation have involuntarily overlooked particular sections of the populace, precisely the marginalized. Policies that disregard the linguistic multiplicity of the country have unintentionally affected people with a first non-English language, particularly for culturally diverse members with disabilities (Elias & Mansouri, 2023). Such challenges have affected the educational achievement of diverse learners, with reports showing significant impacts of discrimination on their education (Elias & Mansouri, 2023). In recen...
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