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Ethics in the hospital setting

Essay Instructions:
explain in details how paramedics deal with coworkers and patients and how other medical staff should act to meet the standards generally
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Running Head: Ethics in Hospital setting
Importance of Ethics in hospital setting and in Medical Staff
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14th June 2011.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc295888151 \h 3Medical Ethics PAGEREF _Toc295888152 \h 4Respect for Autonomy PAGEREF _Toc295888153 \h 4Principle of Non-malfeasance PAGEREF _Toc295888154 \h 4Principle of Beneficence PAGEREF _Toc295888155 \h 4Principle of Justice PAGEREF _Toc295888156 \h 5Paramedics PAGEREF _Toc295888157 \h 5Paramedics and Coworkers PAGEREF _Toc295888158 \h 6Paramedics and patients PAGEREF _Toc295888159 \h 8Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc295888160 \h 10References PAGEREF _Toc295888161 \h 11
Ethics are important in every field, in the same way they are highly important in the hospital setting which basically occurs through presence of ethical behavior in the staff of the hospital. It deals with patients by curing their problems. The main level of staff includes, doctors who specialize in the care of patients of various types such as neurosurgeons, general physicians, gynecologists, cardiologists, gastrologists and pediatricians. Under these doctors , staff physicians or assistants of the doctor of the same field are responsible for patient`s medical or surgical care .They are further helped by , residents who are licensed doctors in the process of receiving advanced training. For additional assistance medical students are also involved patient`s care under the direct supervision of staff physicians. The middle level of staff includes nurses such as Registered Nurses, practical nurses and patient care assistants. They care on hourly basis. The hospital staff also includes social workers who help the families of patients they are responsible for introducing the patient about, the home care agencies and transportation services. Patient representatives along with them solve problems faced by the patients in the hospital rooms and etc. Paramedics conclude all of these types. Despite of the fact that, they are not doctors they are the first care takers of any patient who also have a primary role so they need to be perfect in caring of the patients.
Role of medical staff is highly important because, it can lead to survival or death for patients so this shows how much appropriate care should be. Ethics by should be considered significantly, practiced by them during a minor treatment too .They should be trained accordingly, to deal with high level of stress and work pressure conditions .During stress circumstances which are, usually present in this field, the skills in the medical staff are highly significant to provide the patients with physical and emotional care. All can only happen if, the medical staff specially, paramedics are well train in taking good care of patients.
Medical Ethics
Ethics in the hospital setting are important on a great extent. Ethics used by hospital staff is known as, Bio ethics or medical ethics. Bio ethics is rightly defined by CITATION Hun05 \l 1033 (Huntoon, Winter 2005)
Bioethics is about patients, the patient-doctor relationship, and doing what is right for the patient. Patient autonomy and self determination are fundamental elements of medicine and bio-ethic. CITATION Hun05 \l 1033 (Huntoon, Winter 2005)
Bio ethics or Medical ethics include basic principles which are:
Respect for Autonomy
The patients should be given complete freedom to show their comfort or discomfort. Patient should be given the capacity to act intentionally with understanding and without controlling influences that would stop the patient to act freely. This principle is the basic step of informed consent from them during their health care.
Principle of Non-malfeasance
This principle protects the patient from harms caused by professionals due to carelessness or negligence when a staff member has a duty to care for the patient.
Principle of Beneficence
These health care providers should be beneficial to the patient giving a good on individual and universal basis. This can be done by taking positive steps in order to prevent harm to patient.
Principle of Justice
This is also practiced amongst the staff to create unity. Justice is in calculated by distributing the salary and incentives genuinely, according to Aristotle`s principle of distributive justice. Aristotle`s principle focuses on distribution according to need, effort, contribution, merit and free market exchange of the person.
All of the principles are based on legal rules and regulation, so, these have to be practiced universally because if, these rules are not followed medical staff might have to pay a legal penalty which might ruin their career.
For the staff to be ethical, secondary requirements should also be fulfilled, in order to, complete the primary requirements or legal requirements mentioned above. The secondary requirements are the appearance of the medical staff members, attitude with the patients and way of treatment with the patient. Amongst all of the medical staff members we will discuss role of Paramedics in this essay why ethics are so important in paramedics.
Paramedics are described in following words in a book by CITATION Nic02 \l 1033 (bryan, 2002)
Paramedics are people who have special training. They are not doctors but they can perform many of the same tasks. CITATION Nic02 \l 1033 (bryan, 2002)
As stated above, they provide emergency care to people who have suffered from an injury or any harm outside the hospital setting. They have a basic job of transferring patients under approval of physician or medical directors to medical care centre .Paramedics are of two types; the first type performs the basic job known as paramedic and the other one is Emergency Medical Trainer Paramedics known as "EMT`S. They perform the major task of providing basic life support at times . Emergency Paramedics are train...
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