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Essay Instructions:
Explain or discuss:\"Education is not merely preparation for life;it is life\" In what ways is the \"bush\"school in west Africa an illustration of this principle.
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Title: Education as life Name: University: Date: Bush school Education in West Africa Introduction Many people consider education as merely a preparation for future life. Consequently, students are not exposed to practical education which results into incompetence when they graduate from their schools. Teachers also emphasize more on theoretical education in current education systems which do not impart practical knowledge to students. It is a fact that this practical knowledge that is a representation of life itself. It is argued that traditional schools such as bush schools were more practical because they taught learners about practical activities. This article looks into the contribution of bush schools in West Africa towards practicality in life. Bush Schools in West Africa The bush schools of West Africa provided some of the means by which the youths were introduced to the cultural patterns of the community. This was aimed at making the youth have a background that allowed them to become responsible members of the society. there were initiations into membership of a society. In this case, a young member could only be considered a full member of the society after he/she had been initiated. An example of such a school is Timbuktu. Some of the things learned in these schools are as listed below: (A). African Art as part of every day life In these schools, traditional African art was considered a functional and necessary part of life. Religion, government and education were considered closely related subjects in traditional West African bush schools. The learners were taught how to observe religious rituals by being taught how to make sculptures that brought social cohesion through belief and participation in ceremonial life. The schools also taught Africans about utilitarian objects such as weaving pulleys, stools and chairs with great care to make life beautiful and also to enhance the status of the authorities. Through these works of art, the learners experienced the symbols that were understood by the local community. Technology was also imparted directly to the learners in the bush schools. Learners who had interest in woodwork were taught how to make sculptors from them. This provided them with a source of living as well as helping in conserving the cultures of their communities in the sculptures they carved. There were also other means of imparting technological knowledge to the Africans. Those who were interested in masonry were taught to become masons. In this case, they were taught how to carve sculptors out ...
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