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Education holds the key to success

Essay Instructions:
Prompt 2 Speaking about education, Dr. Martin Luther King once said, ‘‘The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.'' Prompt 2 question: Critical thinking is a central goal of Jesuit education, and at LMU you'll be asked to think critically and intensively in every class. Dr. King suggests that critical thinking results in our ability to inform intelligence with character, and strengthen character with intelligence. Please talk about a situation that demanded critical thinking from you, and how your choices or decisions integrated intelligence and character. Please do the best you can because it is regarding my admission.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Education holds the key to success in the world today. Debates globally try to surface effective strategies that enhance impact of comprehensive knowledge to students. Previous researches by rational mind scholars indicate that the students lack critical and coherent skills to partake education seriously. For instance Martin Luther king asserted that education primary objective is to enhance; vital, intense thinking, character and impact knowledge to students. Basing on the above sheer nature, this literature will instill strategies to enhance quality education that is comprehensive (Ryan, & Cooper, 2007). Besides, enhance critical thinking techniques in students.
Knowledge plays a pivotal role in building an all round student. For this reason it is an underlying principle for teachers and all stakeholders in education sector to strategize quality guiding principle to enhance inculcate quality and viable knowledge to apprentice. Philosophers propose numerous strategies like; essentialism, progressivism, social reconstruction and perennialism to impose quality intellect to learners. For instance, Progressivisms advocate that the education system should emphasize on the whole child rather than on the content of the instructor. In this educational philosophy, it stresses that students ought to test ideas by active participation.
In this regard, effective teachers should provide experiences so that students can learn it through doing it. The curriculum content is consequential of the learners’ interests, shared decisions making, and student- selected subjects. Progressivism asserts that instructors should replace teaching by questioning. Under this approach, instructors change their instructional approach by replacing teaching with questioning. Class time should be structured around short conceptual questions rather than on large voluminous lecture notes in which the learners must first answer independently, then report their answers and discuss them jointly. Consequently, the knowledge attained from this teaching approach gains nearly triple as it focuses on student and interactive learning. Hence, students not only achieve better grades on various conceptual assessments, but they are also able to improve their traditional problem-solving techniques. Moreover, essentialists advocate that there is a primary common core of knowledge that should be conveyed to students in a well-organized and disciplined way. From the essentialism philosophy, the perceptible conformist perspective is on moral and intellectual standards that learning institutions should anticipate their students to abide. Hence, it infuses students with imperative acceptable societal customs essential in the growth of a responsible patriotic citizen. The essentialist main goal is to impart students with the essentials of academic knowledge.
Besides, social reconstruction seeks to address development of an all round student. Social reconstruction strategy enhances an individual’s relation as regards critical analyze. Besides, it necessitates go...
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