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Discussion Posts on Being an Educator

Essay Instructions:

Please answer each question with 50-75 words and a reference for each.

Topic 3 DQ 1
“We must differentiate our mindset first and our lessons second.” (Dweck, 2012).
What does this saying mean to you? In your own words, what is the difference between differentiation and tracking?

Topic 3 DQ 2
Describe an experience where you have seen monitoring and adjusting of instruction that met the needs of students. What worked in this situation and how can you apply what was learned in future practice?

Topic 4 DQ 1
In your field experiences for this course, what type and level of interventions have you observed with students who are struggling in mathematics? Why is it important to understand the tiers of intervention to help differentiate struggles associated with content, application, or delivery (for all content areas)?

Topic 4 DQ 2
Describe a strategy that you could use if you were teaching a first grader, a third grader, and a sixth grader about geometric shapes/concepts. Explain why differentiation is important in this instance. In addition, describe a strategy that you could use if were teaching, or reinforcing, geometric concepts at the high school level (grades 9-12).

Topic 5 DQ 1
In Leviticus 27:12 (New Living Translation) it says, “He will assess its value, and his assessment will be final, whether high or low.” Should a single assessment ever be a final measure of a student’s abilities? Why or why not?

Topic 5 DQ 2
How can you collaborate with colleagues and families to make academic decisions for individuals with exceptionalities? How can you provide feedback and engage individuals with exceptionalities in working toward quality learning and performance?

Topic 6 DQ 1
What resources and criteria might you use to locate and evaluate the usefulness and appropriateness of a math-related technology resource in a classroom? Include any helpful resources.

Topic 6 DQ 2
Research suggests that computer-based mathematics programs, in addition to direct teacher instruction, lead to higher success rates for students in their math classes. What are your thoughts about the use of computer-based math programs and how they should be incorporated into the classroom to support teaching?

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Discussion Posts 2
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Discussion Posts 2
Topic 3 DQ 1
“We must differentiate our mindset first and our lessons second.” (Dweck, 2012).
What does this saying mean to you? In your own words, what is the difference between differentiation and tracking?
The saying means that one should have an open mind when entering the classroom as an educator. Different students have different learning capabilities, and therefore, having an open mind would enable the teacher to assist each of the students accordingly. When planning a lesson, the educator must think of all the needs of their students (Yeager & Dweck, 2012). Differentiation means that the teacher should adjust the lessons to accommodate the needs of every student. On the other hand, tracking entails grouping the students based on their achievements or level of abilities.
Topic 3 DQ 2
Describe an experience where you have seen monitoring and adjusting of instruction that met the needs of students. What worked in this situation and how can you apply what was learned in future practice?
Monitoring and adjusting of instruction occurred when a student with disabilities joined the classroom. The educator had already prepared a lesson plan for a class that did not have students with disabilities. Therefore, they chose to use the available lesson plan and monitor the students’ progress with disabilities (Bondie, Dahnke, & Zusho, 2019). After two weeks of learning, the students did not seem to comprehend concepts similar to the other students. Hence, the educator had to adjust the lesson plan to accommodate the needs of the disabled students.
Topic 4 DQ 1
In your field experiences for this course, what type and level of interventions have you observed with students who are struggling in mathematics? Why is it important to understand the tiers of intervention to help differentiate struggles associated with content, application, or delivery (for all content areas)?
The common type of intervention observed is considering the special needs of each student. This level of intervention is used depending on the students’ learning capabilities and their disability (Allal, 2020). For instance, some students needed more intervention than others. It is important to understand the tiers of intervention because it makes it easy for the educator to know the best intervention strategies for different students. If the right intervention is applied, it will enhance the student’s understanding of the concepts being taught.
Topic 4 DQ 2
Describe a strategy that you could use if you were teaching a first grader, a third grader, and a sixth grader about geometric shapes/concepts. Explain why differentiation is important in this instance. In addition, describe a strategy that you could use if were teaching, or reinforcing, geometric concepts at the high school level (grades 9-12).
One of the best strategies to use on a first, third, and sixth-grader would involve manipulatives. Manipulatives support the students with hands-on and engaging geometry, which enhances critical thinking (Muñoz & Porter, 2020). In this case, differentiation is essential because it would help me understand the needs of every student in the different grades. In turn, it would be easy to apply the necessary intervention strategies in teaching them. Teaching high school level students would require me to hold high standards to encourage growth.
Topic 5 DQ 1
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