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Discussion on Autism

Essay Instructions:

Hello my order has 2 separate discussion posts. 1 page each. Please specify the title for each as they are separate answers.

View the “Autism “awareness” – Ten Things You Should Know” video [4:54], made by a student with a mild form of Autism known as Asperger syndrome

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Share your reaction to what you saw.

List a couple more questions you wish you could ask a student with Autism.

Discussion 2: Social Stories (1 page)

Review the social stories section in Ch. 10 of Exceptional Lives. Social stories are appropriate for students of all ages.

Research social stories and look at a few examples on the Internet.

Respond to the following prompts in the Social Stories forum by Friday:

List 6 different social story topics you believe would be appropriate for students with Autism to read. An example would be “How to Introduce Yourself to a New Classmate”.

Explain why you think each would be a good topic for a social story.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Autism Name: Institution: Autism Discussion on Autism Autism is a serious condition that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact. Autism affects the nervous disorder and cannot be cured. The signs and symptoms of autism can vary widely. Some of the symptoms include difficulty in communication and repetitive behavior (Swaggert,2013). Although autism cannot be cured, it is important to recognize the condition early to avoid long term effects. Autism is more common in girls than boys and can affect anyone. The YouTube video was insightful for the people who do not know about Autism. For example, the five things people with autism wish someone knew help a lot in understanding a person with autism. People with autism are different from everyone else because their problem is neurologically related (Haggerty, Black, & Smith, 2015). There are multiple questions a person can ask someone who has autism. For example, ask them how it feels to be different from the other people and how they deal with people who see them like they are disabled. The best way to deal with a person suffering from autism is to understand them in the best way possible. Discussion 2: Social Stories A List of 6 Different Social Story Topics Appropriate For Students with Autism to Read and the Importance of Each Story Social Stories help people who have autism understand interpersonal communication so that they can interact appropriately. Social stories help individuals with autism with both strong and poor communication skills (Hagiwara &Myles,2017). The aim of using social stories is to improve social interaction and prepare people suffering from autism for public events. * How to introduce yourself to a new classmate- this is important because a student who has autism might be afraid to make friends. Through introducing th...
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