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Culture Competence Questions: brief summary of your findings

Essay Instructions:

. Go to website http://www(dot)aafp(dot)org/fpm/20001000/58cult.html Review this article “cultural competence” and print off the cultural competence self-assessment to utilize at your workplace. 2. Review the web site for cultural sensitivity. http://erc(dot)msh(dot)org/mainpage.cfm?file=9.1g.htm&module=provider&language=English. Complete the cultural sensitivity questionnaire. Click on the Icon that says "take quiz." Score yourself. You can also find this link in the external links page. 3. Do an additional library or web search for any other information related to cultural competence or sensitivity in the workplace (for the environment you work). Be prepared to share a brief summary (one paragraph) of the additional webpage or article you found in your response to the assignment 4. Conduct the printed off assessment in your workplace to determine if you or your workplace is culturally competent or culturally sensitive. Answer these questions : 1. What were your websearch/library search findings? Give a brief summary of your findings. 2. What was the most significant and/or applicable information you found? 3. Did you know that this type of information existed and if so, is this information utilized at your place of work currently? 4. Describe the assessment tool you utilized for the cultural competence assessment at your place of work. 5. Were you surprised at the cultural sensitivity questionnaire and your findings of yourself? 6. What is the cultural/ethnic breakdown of your workplace and your community as a whole? 7. In summary, what was the outcome of your assessment? 8. Were you surprised at what you found? What improvements can be made at your place of work to ensure cultural competence or sensitivity? 10. Do you believe your place of work practices cultural competence but does not effectively measure cultural competence outcomes? 11. Which concept of cultural competence or cultural sensitivity do you think is realistic for your workplace to adapt to. Can we ever be culturally competent? Or should we expect cultural sensitivity. Explain and give examples as necessary. 12. Is this assessment something you may propose to implement at your place of work? Why or why not.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Competence
Cultural Competence
1 What were your websearch/library search findings? Give a brief summary of your findings.
Cultural competence goes beyond the aspects of accommodating persons that are considered of a different background. It is quite complex and does not just relate to the personal preferences and skills, but rather extends to even the organization and the community in general (Saha, Beach & Cooper, 2008). Service provision is, however, greatly impacted, with the reference to perceptions and the capacity to offer quality services. The health care sector, medical professionals and organizations they work for have to be based on cultural competence (Erc.msh.org, 2016).
2 What was the most significant and/or applicable information you found?
The most applicable information with reference to cultural competence is significantly associated with getting to understand the patient in a health care setup. Patient centered care is a crucial component of health care, however, when integrated with cultural competence the quality of service is improved significantly (Sutton, 2016).This enhances the service delivery, especially for the culturally diverse societies.
3 Did you know that this type of information existed and if so, is this information utilized at your place of work currently?
Before the research, I had knowledge of cultural competence; however, much of the insights involved accepting the differences in culture (Truong, Paradies, & Priest, 2014). The element of working with cultural diversity as way of creating a strong relationship between the staff and the patients was not as developed as it is in the information on the websites (Truong, Paradies, & Priest, 2014). At the place of work, there is not much active programs that are designed to enhance the cultural integration among the staff. As such, the organization does not promote cultural diversity but rather leaves the staff to figure it out on their own.
4 Describe the assessment tool you utilized for the cultural competence assessment at your place of work.
The cultural competence tool used for the assessment of the workplace is one by Dennis Andrulis, Thomas Delbanco, Laura Avakian and Yoku Shaw-Taylor. It takes on an innovative approach and can be used on health care organizations with much ease (Erc.msh.org, 2016). There is a series of questions that one is supposed to go through and they are organized in such a way that one is able to evaluate the relationship between the community and the health care, management and the staff, between the staff and between the staff and the patients. It also has a scoring system to help establish the level of integration (Erc.msh.org, 2016).
5 Were you surprised at the cultural sensitivity questionnaire and your findings of yourself?
Given the level of integration at the place of work, I was not really surprised and expected a low score.
6 What is the cultur...
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