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Cultural Autobiography and Cultural Identity Artifact

Essay Instructions:

Cultural Autobiography Essay and Cultural Identity Box:
Cultural Identity Box:
Making it your own: Using a video, create a cultural autobiography that is a unique expression of your own personal and family history, talents, interests, and multiple intelligences. Create an autobiography that expresses who you are, your history, your family history, your values, your experiences, through the visual or electronic arts, through poetry, scrapbooking, songwriting, or other media. . Interview family members and other significant individuals in your life.
Please use the information below to assist you in this project. You may use youtube to upload your video if it cannot be compressed. Contact Office of Information Technology to assist you with this, if need be. You may use youtube.com or vimeo.com to upload your videos.
Cultural Autobiography Essay:
Write a essay (Minimum of 3 typed pages using APA formatting): The nine microcultures that make up our cultural identity are – class, race, ethnicity, gender, language, religion, exceptionality, age, and geography. All of us belong to a subgroup within each microculture, but our composite identity is based on 1) the relation between us and the dominant subgroup in each microculture, and 2) on the interaction among microcultures. For example, I may be a Jew living in a predominantly Christian community, and that cultural conflict may have a negligible or a profound impact on me. Likewise, being a girl with three brothers and no sisters may have affected my attitudes and behavior as a young girl and may still influence the way I view the world.
In your cultural autobiography, you must address all nine microcultures. It is not enough merely to state, for example, that you are a White, Irish American, English-speaking male etc. or a second-generation Chinese American, multilingual female who was raised in a middle class family etc. You must take each microculture one at a time and explain how your membership in a particular subgroup has helped to create the kind of person you are and is likely to influence the kind of educator you will become. Begin with the microculture that currently has the most impact on you as a cultural person and work down to the least influential microculture. This should take some careful thinking.
You will end up with an artifact and a written paper.
The cultural autobiography should be an honest expression of who you perceive yourself to be along a cultural continuum. Think carefully about each category and provide enough details to create a vivid portrait of your unique cultural identity.
i need artifact and the essay thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Autobiography Essay and Cultural Identity Artifact
Cultural Autobiography Essay and Cultural Identity Artifact
I was raised in upper middle class family, and may parents were professionals. Both parents were employed as administrators with local organizations. In terms of class, I always develop an interest of learning new things and dealing with problems indipendently. Therefore, as an educator, I always aim to find novel ways to support students and enhance their problem-solving skills. Moreover, I always aim to offer students guidance and provide them with opportunities to critically think about issues. Therefore, I must learn how to cultivate the innovative and critical thinking aspects of students. I must also create a good environment for growth and development as students deal with daily challenges.
I am a Chinese in physical appearance. As an individual, coming to America has never been an easy experience. I have experienced how tough it is living in America. I spent almost five years when we first came here to cope and adapt to the new environment. However, I have settled into the society and resolute to pursue my dreams and passion as an educator.
In terms of ethnicity, I am always focused to learn and embrace other individuals. My aim is to overcome the stereotypes imposed on people and ensure that all individuals are treated equally without any subjugation. I always oppose racism and any stereotypes imposed on people based on their gender. My goal is learning how to make race as ‘one,’ where people can freely associate with each other without feeling any challenges. This will guarantee positive outcomes among students and enhance collaboration in learning.
Gender is also one of the concepts that has defined my passion. As a female educator, I always aim to treat all genders equally and ensure that both men, women, and LGBTQ individuals are treated with dignity. As an educator, my goal is to open opportunities to provide care and support for students in spite of their gender affiliation. The main objective is to create an environment of harmony and ensure that people are able to cope with the prevailing challenges.
Language is an essential component for communication and passing messages. I am able to speak Chinese as we...
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