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CSEC 610 Final Exam Assignment: The FBI and Apple

Essay Instructions:

CSEC 610 Final Exam
General Instructions (Please review carefully!)
This exam represents 20 percent of your total class grade. Your total exam grade will range from 0 to 100 points. 
1. Prepare your exam in Word format (doc or docx).
2. Do not include any quotations in your answers. Do not copy and paste from any resources.
3. Please be sure to clearly indicate your answer to each question and sub-question. Your answer to each question must contain at least 200 words or it will receive no credit. 
4. Comply with scientific citation style IEEE or APA. Include in-line citations and a reference list at the end for each question. There should be at least two references for each question – these references should not include our textbooks.
5. The exam is due by Sunday, 11:59 PM, U.S. Eastern Time. Late submissions will receive an exam grade of zero.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Exam
1. The FBI and Apple had a dispute related to unlocking cell phones which are encrypted to protect users' data and privacy. Summarize the key aspects of the argument and select and argue one position (Apple or the FBI). Also, think of a possible "middle ground" solution that would have at least pacified both parties involved. Smart phones, iPhone included, are part and parcel of people’s lives presently. They are the one-stop storage for virtually everything that can be considered personal, from pictures, to access codes and other sensitive pieces of information. Such information is usually a very prime target for cyber criminals and other hackers. People might not be in a position to secure their information, since connectivity to the internet poses a risk to everyone, and presents the need to be protected by the phone manufacturing companies (Hodson, 2016).
The deadly San Bernardino terrorist attack brought the FBI to the doorstep of Apple Inc. They needed information from personal phone records of the terrorists, which would shed further light on the entire case.FBI believes the killings are part of a larger organization and the data in the handset may be a vital lead. The agency has requested Apple to break into the phone. Apple, citing priorities in cyber security and the security of millions of its customers, has vehemently refused to break into the phone setting the stage for a legal battle that has moved from California magistrate judge Sheri Pym, who ordered Apple to crack the phone to the House of Representatives in Washington DC (Hodson, 2016).
The request by FBI borders on the privacy of millions of users of the same iPhone model and if granted the technology would make citizens vulnerable in the face of the law. According to Apple the FBI wants a "back door" access to own phones through software that is capable of unlocking any iPhone remotely in someone's physical location (7 Key Facts about the Apple & F.B.I. Dilemma. (2016). If granted Apple devices would be, weakened regarding security and privacy. Apple must not give in to such a request at whatsoever level. However, the two parties can compromise their stands and come to an amicable solution.
2. Describe the role of cyber security within the emerging "Internet of Things" environment. Explain privacy concerns associated with the emerging technology and how cybersecurity will address them. The connectivity brought about by the ‘internet of things,’ poses a myriad of cyber safety issues. Appliances connected to the world web through wireless connection continue to suffer the brunt of malicious hacks(Ma, 2011).Most of these devices have a little memory which limits the level of security that they can handle Low-level security means they become a prime target for hackers who maliciously take control of the devices (Ma, 2011). Cyber security is thus a primary concern.
Security concerns associated with the web of things varies. One concern is the possibility of rogue access points presented by the interconnection of devices in the ‘Internet of things’ ("Security Challenges of the Internet of Things", 2016). Internet of things connected through this access points may become unsafe end points for devices. Another security concern is that the devices would be of various types, vendors, different generations, uses, and abilities. The differences pose security challenge as devising a way to secure all the devices under similar protocol would be hard. Cyber security must be rethought to help contain emerging security problems on the internet of thing. Traditional security programs like firewall cannot help, but constant security vulnerability assessment will be crucial in mitigating the threats ("Security Challenges of the Internet of Things", 2016).
3. What was the security issues surrounding the initial implementation of Healthcare.gov? What additional measures would you suggest to address the continued attacks on that website? The setup of a quality website is usually dependent on the consideration of various parameters. A website’s appeal, as well as its security, is the leading determinants of its quality. Earlier implementation of Healthcare.gov was faced with various security challenges. The website got hacked into, thereby placing the data and information of numerous individuals, at the mercy of the hacker. The fact that the hacker managed to break into the website means that the entire site was vulnerable to even much more, including sabotage.
The system had weaker security protocols, attributed to the use of encryption that was not certified by the government. Security test on the system found that it was susceptible to hacker’s activities. The flaws in the system would enable access the system, download files and execute numerous commands. The most affected section of the system was personal information sector("Critical" flaw found in HealthCare.gov security", 2016).Additionally, the websiteâ€&tra...
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