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Comparison of Private and Public Perspectives

Essay Instructions:

Select one organization from the private and one from the public sector. Examine and analyze leadership traits, situational characteristics, and leadership behavior displayed from your research. Compose a 3-page paper (not including the title and references pages) comparing and contrasting the organizations. Use APA format for title page, citations, and References page.

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Private and Public Perspectives
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Private and Public Perspectives
Leadership plays an important role not only in organizational performance and success but also in driving change. A lot has been changing in today's world, and organizations need to change to accommodate external changes. According to Magsaysay and Hechanova (2017), ideal or effective leaders are identified based on the leadership traits they possess. Other factors that are considered are how a leader approaches different situations and their overall leadership behavior. This paper analyzes the leadership traits and behavior as well as situational characteristics of Dan Helfrich, CEO and chairman of Deloitte Consulting, and David Pekoske, the leader/administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
These two leaders serve in different environments. Helfrich serves in the private sector, while Pekoske serves in the public sector. The two leaders operate under very different organizational structures, which affects their leadership behavior. Deloitte Consulting has a non-hierarchical structure, which means that its leaders do not exert too much control over the decisions made about clients (Deloitte, n.d.). Helfrich has given his followers some lee-way to make decisions on their own. His leadership behavior gives his followers autonomy. Contrary to this, TSA has a very hierarchical structure, and as a result, Pekoske has control over the decisions made within the organization (TSA, n.d.). His leadership behavior involves making decisions that trickle down the organization to the lowest level employees. This means that his followers have little autonomy. They may contribute ideas on improving the organization, but ultimately, he has control over all the decisions.
However, both leaders portray cooperation as a leadership trait or behavior. According to Nichol (2016), cooperation is one of the oldest leadership traits that characterize effective leaders. It involves being focused on building and maintaining relationships with different stakeholders. It is about being people-focused. Pekoske, under his tenure as the TSA administrator, improved aviation and surface transportation security by forming lasting relationships with partners in the transport industry and the TSA workforce (U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 2021). Similarly, Helfrich's success as a leader at Deloitte st...
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