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Searchable Clinical Questions Assignment

Essay Instructions:
Please use at least one reference source for each question: 1. Searching the National Library of Medicine's PubMed/Medline database, the Chamberlain Library's EBSCO/CINAHL, and Google Scholar. You are directed in the lesson to links for tutorials on the basics of searching these three databases. Using one of the PICOT questions perform a basic search in each of the three databases. Compare and contrast your search experience. Share any tips for searching that you uncover. 2. Develop a guide for your patients for the WWW. Let's get started by searching for information about how to evaluate sites on the WWW (see lesson and article assigned as reading this week). Share your findings with your classmates.
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Running Head: Searchable Clinical Questions Assignment
Searchable Clinical Questions Assignment
My Searches experience
In order to conduct a search in various databases, I begun with the research question that I chose from options that were given. I was using the search question β€œIs implementation of healthy food choices in public schools an effective method to prevent or reduce childhood obesity?” After input of my topic or title that I choose, results were quite general and did not understand fully what I needed to do. Later I realized to get specific information being researched on in a database need to carefully select subject, keyword, article title and author (s) (Ashfelter, 1999). Once I discovered this, it was easy for me to research and get results easily as opposed to my searches before using these vital criteria.
However, the results provide abstracts and citations or full texts. Therefore, I discovered to have successful search in ant given databases there are vital steps that need to be followed. These are: determining key search concept, type of information required, searching the database, analyzing the output results, and lastly is obtaining full texts for the given search. After all this, then only search can be considered successful.
Evaluating www sites
Search on the internet usually bring results with many of websites that one is left to wonder how to choose the right one. In my experience, when searching the net I came a cross over 45 million results and wondered which one do I choose that is suitable as a credible academic sources. In my discovery, I realized that after typing the topic in the search engines such as yahoo, bing and google results are usually millions of websites (Anderson and Klemm, 2008). However, not all websites a...
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