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Clinical Field Experience: Collaboration with the Community

Essay Instructions:

Clinical Field Experience B: Collaboration with the Community

Support in the classroom is not enough for families who have children with disabilities. Assisting families and caregivers in finding support outside the classroom is a necessity for a child to flourish and reach his or her fullest potential.

Allocate 2 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Collaborate with your mentor teacher to identify student and family supports offered within your school and community for individuals with disabilities regarding academic, transitional, and/or vocational skills.

Specifically, discuss the following items as you research these supports with your mentor:

Who oversees the support: the school or an outside agency? What services do they support?

Are the services free, or do families need to pay for these services?

How are community resources shared with families? Are supports discussed in the beginning of the school year, at conferences, in IEPs, or elsewhere?

Did the mentor teacher create his or her own newsletter/brochure, or utilize the school, district, or community made resources?

Discuss the importance of continuing the support for students and families or caregivers outside of the classroom. What are the benefits and challenges associated with receiving supports outside of the school day?

Discuss if there are limited resources in certain areas, and if so, how has the mentor teacher or school addressed those identified limitations.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Compose a 500-750 word summary based on your discussion with your mentor regarding student, family, school, and community supports available. Reflect on how you will use this information in your future professional practice.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Clinical Field Experience: Collaboration with the Community
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Clinical Field Experience: Collaboration with the Community
Inclusive education is imperative in involving students with disabilities in a mainstream school environment. However, the shift to an inclusive model is a long-term process that requires all the relevant stakeholders to act as specialized experts to help in attaining enhanced inclusion. Inclusive education requires a frequent assessment of school cultures and the various education systems. The stakeholders in the community ought to implement and assess plans that favor inclusive education for all. Besides, people living with disabilities require adapted facilities, such as toilets, ramps, and other specialized equipment. Therefore, the stakeholders ought to provide the needed teaching and learning materials.
Notably, collaboration and communication are critical aspects of addressing the need of students with disabilities. Therefore, local communities, ministries, parents, and schools need to collaborate in availing materials needed for learning and teaching (Wilson, 2017). For instance, grants and allowances would minimize the financial burdens of the students to improve their access to education. Notably, the teachers would need adequate teaching to ensure they provide quality education to affected students. Mentoring systems and in-service teacher training is an effective approach of addressing the needs of students with disabilities. Accordingly, it is essential to train specialized teachers to become fluent in sign language and other alternative communication modes.
The assistant principal is in charge of overseeing the offered support to the students with disabilities. Vocational skills and transitional plans are some of the critical services that support students with disabilities. Since students have unique needs, they have different and needs (Wilson, 2017). For inclusivity and affordabi...
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