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Clinical Field Experience A: Observation of Learning Environments Grades K-12

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

The ability to effectively manage a classroom and meet the behavior and instructional needs of students both with and without disabilities is very complex.

Arrange the clinical field experiences for this course in a K-12 grade special education inclusive, resource, or self-contained classroom or block where students are receiving special education services and where you will be monitored by a certified teacher mentor, principal, special education coordinator, etc.

Prior to the clinical field experience, review the requirements of all clinical field experiences for this course. Complete the “Clinical Field Experience Planning Template” to share with your mentor detailing these requirements and what is being requested of the mentor. This document should include the scheduling required to complete all assignments.

Allocate at least 4 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Observe and collaborate with a K-12 certified special education teacher in an inclusive classroom, resource room, and/or self-contained classroom on the elements that help create a positive, safe, and productive learning environment. Your final observations and summary of your hands-on experiences will be due in Clinical Field Experience B.

While you are observing, use the "Clinical Field Experience A: Observation" template to take notes about the elements of the classroom learning environment.

Use any remaining field experience hours to provide support or assistance to the class as directed by your mentor.

At the bottom of the template provide a 250-500 word rationale why you chose this grade level and environment to observe. Summarize your findings about the elements of the classroom learning environment on the "Clinical Field Experience A: Observation" template.

Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice, specifically in terms of how you will work with paraprofessionals, other faculty members, and teachers.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit assignments that are print deliverables to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.

Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to the LMS in the last topic. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Clinical Field Experience A: Observation of Learning Environments, Grades K-12
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Instructor’s Name
Clinical Field Experience A: Observation of Learning Environments, Grades K-12
The classroom management theories and strategies that are implemented
The classroom management theories and strategies implemented in this case include proximity control, praise statements, and behaviorism theory. Praise statements entail encouraging students to exhibit the desired behavior and engagement, while proximity control includes minimizing the physical distance with the student. The proximity invites desired behavioral responses from a learner. To achieve positive behavioral expectations, behaviorism is introduced and entails punishments and rewards. Frequent praise is an example of rewards.
How the classroom is arranged.
The classroom arrangement will include groups of four seating arrangements with spaces in between to allow the teacher and a paraprofessional to move freely in between the groups. The spaces allow the teacher to interact with each group and offer support to members or groups that might be struggling with classwork. It also facilitates collaboration or group work among learners, which is important in the classroom.
Above is an example of a group seating arrangement of four learners, with spaces in between to allow free movement and interaction between the teacher, each member of the group, and the groups in their entirety.
How the accessibility and safety needs of all students are met.
The tables are fitted with small drawers where students can store a few of their study materials, which facilitates ease of accessibility. The safety needs are equally important and should be met. As the teacher, the focus includes ensuring materials such as sharp objects, including scissors and sharpeners, are used with permission and supervision. Safety needs are also met by offering guides regarding the use of some tools that might be deemed dangerous to the learners.
How the learning needs of all students are met. (If students without disabilities are present, also consider how the learning needs of all students are balanced in the mixed setting.)
In a setting with students with disabilities, there is a need to embrace an inclusive strategy that meets their learning needs. The focus includes ensuring students work individually and in groups where they can learn from each other. The teacher ensures there is a baseline, including goals that are used to customize the lessons. We are also expected to include instructional materials and technology, such as visual and auditory aids to achieve notable results. Additionally, the focus will include additional time for struggling students and adjusting class schedules and seating arrangements to allow teacher-learner interaction.
What the social expectations are for the students present.
Students present are expected to embrace desired behaviors, which implies that the teacher must redirect them when they appear distracted. The teacher encourages open communication when small group assignments are issued and decent interaction, including turn-taking when participating in class discussions. The learners should champion favorable tones to ensure they are not causing a destruction to the rest of the class. This further includes listening actively and attentively when the teacher is talking, thus ensuring they do not miss any details.
How students are encouraged to be themselves, and be respectful of other students.
Encouraging students to be themselves and respectful of others is important in a classroom environment. This includes encouraging them to openly share opinions and express their frustrations. The teacher encourages the learners to reach out privately to report or discuss any issues that might be bothering them. The behaviorism theory is an example of ways of reinforcing respectful behavior among learners (Hamilton, 2017). The objective, as discussed earlier, is to encourage appropriate behavior, which is supported by rewards, and punish inappropriate ones, such as disrespec...
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