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Literacy Strengths and Areas of Need of a Second Grade Student

Essay Instructions:

Be sure to include these bold headings: Introduction, Summary of Focus Student, Summary of Assessments, Literacy Strengths, Areas of Need, Instructional Plan/Recommendations, Self-Reflection.

to help you develop a more comprehensive understanding of student literacy needs. The opportunity to “kid watch” is an effective instructional tool for any teacher who wants to support his or her students’ development of literacy. A compilation of your research, findings and synthesis of your experiences will be articulated in this concise, yet thorough, assignment.

Be sure to include these bold headings:

________ Introduction

Provide an introduction that gives context and purpose to this entire assignment.

________ Summary of Focus Student

Include a description of your student including name, grade, interests, first impressions and level of reading, writing, etc. Discuss your findings from your student inquiry and/or interest survey. Include an explanation of the environment under which you worked with the student (small group, 1:1, etc). Describe your student in a manner that allows the reader to feel like they know the child.

_______ Summary of Assessments

Provide a brief explanation (1-2 paragraphs) of all the assessments used with your focus student. How do assessments support reading instruction?

________ Literacy Strengths

Identify 1-2 key literacy strengths of your student. What do they know and what can they do well? You will need to cite specific evidence from your diagnostics, anecdotal records, kid watching observations, work samples, writing samples, informal assessments, one-on-one sessions, etc. to support your analysis.

________ Areas of Need

Identify 1-2 literacy needs of your student. What are they struggling with? How do you know? You will need to cite specific evidence from your diagnostics, anecdotal records, kid watching observations, work samples, writing samples, informal assessments, one-on-one sessions, etc. to support your analysis.

________ Instructional Plan/Recommendations

Building on the reader’s strengths, describe what next steps you might include for this student to address their challenge areas. Identify specific teaching and engagement strategies and techniques that would help the student’s literacy development. A rationale for your recommendation(s) and assessment(s) to check for understanding MUST be included. What ideas might you have to support this student’s literacy growth?

________ Self-Reflection

Include a detailed reflection on the process of kid watching and this case study. What did YOU learn from this experience? How has this changed/prepared you for future experiences? What challenges do you foresee? What apprehension/questions do you still have?

________ Organization

Clear organization, careful crafting of language, and correct grammar; APA 7 formatting (Title page and reference page are expected, but are not included in the page count). Personal communication(s) MUST be cited within text. Double spacing, 12pt Times New Roman font.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case study
Once children reach the 2nd grade, they are often ready to speed up their reading and learning process. This agency is due to the fact that 2nd grade students are usually adjusted to a more rigorous learning environment and seek to further expand their skills and knowledge. Their brains have also grown and can therefore take in more information and grasp more things. However, when the appropriate teaching and pedagogic tools are not used, some 2nd grade students may not acquire the necessary literacy skills. Such scenarios require the use of kid watching, which focuses on individual students’ needs, to instill literacy skills through the implementation of class tasks tailored to students’ interests. This case study employs kid watching to identify the literacy strengths and areas of need of a 2nd grade student. The case study also offers recommendations that address the recognized area of need.
The focus student
The focus student is Brian Taylor (7 years-old), a Caucasian American who is tall for his age but well behaved. He mostly wears clothes that are too big and sometimes it seems that he is swimming in them rather than wearing them. Taylor is in 2nd grade at Sunset Ridge Elementary School in Overland Park, Kansas. Generally, Taylor has a basic sight vocabulary and shows independent interest in constructing meaning from print. Taylor loves learning about the earth because he stated that he loves “making predictions and finding patterns in nature” in the interest survey. The study will be conducted in a grade 2 classroom that has the teacher’s desk as the focal point and cohesive colors on borders and bulletin boards. There were three participants (Taylor and other two children) although the focus was on Taylor.
Taylor’s literacy skills will be assessed through kid watching. Kid watching is a technique of observing students purposefully to identify their academic strengths and needs (Goodman, 2018). It entails having to observe the kid for quite a while, so as to clearly try and figure them out. The kid is observed as he engages in all the facets of their life, be it academic, social or sports. Kid watching is usually followed by tasks and teaching strategies that address the identified students' needs. During kid watching, emphasis will be placed on observing what Taylor likes to read or write, how he reads and writes, and how he listens during story telling. Taylor will also be asked questions by the other two students and observation will be made regarding how he answers them. Children learn though watching and observing others. It is an important constituent of observational learning.
Literacy strengths
Literacy strengths are the levels of ability that a child display in the various skills expected of them, such as reading, writing, relating with others and also playing. The differences between these strengths usually points to the respective developing personalities and characters of these kids, which can either be molded in the right direction, or let to follow a particular path. Although Taylor has a broad set of literacy strengths, his ability to listen with interest to stories and other texts during story-telling is his biggest strength. Generally, story-telling helps children understand new or frightening events, and the strong emotions that come with them. However, to grade 2 students, listening to stories has a specific objective of motivating them to value books and spark their imagination and curiosity (Agusto, 2016). In Taylor’s case, his ability to listen carefully allows him to understand and interpret stories or short passages. For instance, after listening to Giraffe Problems by Jory John, he correctly stated that the story “teaches children to be proud of their individual strengths and use them to he...
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