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Campus Wide Behavior Management Systems

Essay Instructions:





 Classroom and Behavior Management Framework 

 PART I:  

Select Two classroom management models from the list below:

  • Harry Wong’s Effective Classroom
  • Kagan, Kyle, and Scott’s Win-Win Discipline
  • Fred Jones Positive Classroom Discipline
  • Morrish’s Real Discipline
  • Canter and Canter’s Assertive Discipline (middle school education focused) 
  • Jeanne Gibb’s Tribes (elementary education focused)


 Name of 1st Classroom Management Model:________________________

Provide a description of the model and be sure to specify strengths and weaknesses. Cite your sources.

Provide 1 Online resource (for example a website that provides more information on this model):


Name of 2st Classroom Management Model: ______________________________

Provide a description of the model and specify its strengths and weaknesses. Cite your sources.

Provide 1 Online resource (for example a website that provides more information on this model):


Comparing and Contrast both models: How are they similar? How are they different? How can they be applied in the classroom? What are some advantages and disadvantages of using the models in the classroom?


Identify two campus wide behavior management systems from the list below.

  • Character Education (e.g., Character Counts or Character First! Education or  I CAN Character Curriculum)
  • Love and Logic
  • PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Strategies)
  • S.T.A.R. ("Stop, Think, Act, Review" or "Success Through Accepting Responsibility”) (elementary education focused)

Name of 1st Campus Wide Behavior Management Systems:___________________

Provide a description of the system (what is the goal/focus/emphasis of this system) and be sure to specify strengths and weaknesses. Cite your sources.

Provide 1 Online resource (for example a website that provides more information on this system):



Name of 2st Campus Wide Behavior Management Systems:__________________

Provide a description of the system (what is the goal/focus/emphasis of this system) and be sure to specify strengths and weaknesses. Cite your sources.

Provide 1 Online resource (for example a website that provides more information on this system):


 Comparing and Contrast both systems: How are they similar? How are they different? How can they be applied in the classroom and on campus? What are some advantages and disadvantages of using each system in the classroom and on campus?


Please write a 250-500 word reflection describing each of the following bullet points. Please make sure to address each bullet point in your reflection. Write your responses underneath each bullet point.

  •  Your evidence based personal philosophy of classroom management.
  • The elements of each model and system from parts 1 and 2 of your paper that you will incorporate into your future classroom management application, and why.
  • How your classroom management framework fosters learning and meets the needs of all students.
  • How your classroom management framework promotes self-motivation and creates opportunities for positive social interaction.


Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From - To.

Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name.

 ***Please make sure that for each reference you list there is a corresponding APA style in-text citation.  Example: (Kagan, 2017, p. 117)

****3-5 scholarly references are required 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Classroom and Behavior Management Framework
Name of 1st Classroom Management Model: Kagan, Kyle, and Scott’s Win-Win Discipline
According to Steggerda & Nicodemus (n.d.), educators should help the students acquire discipline instead of “disciplining” them by aiding them in turning disruptive to non-disruptive behaviors. It utilizes three pillars which include the same-side approach, where the students, educators, and parents act toward the same objectives; collaborative approach, where the educators and students provide insights to create solutions; and shared responsibility, where the students are encouraged to be accountable for their actions (Kagan et al., 2004).
Its strengths lie in eradicating the antagonistic relationship between the educators and students, allowing cooperation among the students, educators, and parents, and providing a detailed and systematic strategy for implementation. Conversely, its weaknesses lie in focusing on the students' negative attitudes and providing them authority more than the educators (Steggerda & Nicodemus, n.d.).
Provide 1 Online resource:
Name of 2st Classroom Management Model: Canter and Canter’s Assertive Discipline (middle school education focused)
This model allows the educator to take charge of the classroom, similar to the traditional form of teaching. It is beneficial in reducing the students' negative behaviors by constantly demonstrating a standard behavior and using positive reinforcements to maintain these. Although it makes the students the allies of the educators, it also reduces self-autonomy from them (Universal Class, n.d.)
Provide 1 Online resource:
Comparing and Contrast both models: How are they similar? How are they different? How can they be applied in the classroom? What are some advantages and disadvantages of using the models in the classroom?
The Win-Win and Assertive Disciplines are similar in reducing harmful behaviors in class while making the students the partners of the teachers. However, the former also use other techniques such as integrating the parents and students in creating a disciplined environment while the latter focuses on the traditional approach of the educator. Both benefit from creating a positive environment where there are only a few to no negative attitudes that foster. However, the former can result in too much authority from the students while the latter can result in the students' lack of autonomy (Steggerda & Nicodemus, n.d.; Universal Class, n.d.).
Name of 1st Campus Wide Behavior Management Systems: PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Strategies)
It promotes safety and reinforces positive behaviors by letting the students understand the expectations of the educators and promoting prosocial behaviors. The educators utilize a common language to explain the details throughout the day, allowing the students to learn the appropriate behaviors. It emphasizes prevention rather than detention. Its results in fewer suspensions leading to higher grades of the students. However, it can divert the students’ attention to getting the reward for good behaviors instead of focusing on changing negative behaviors (Lee, n.d.; Bradshaw et al., 2008; Bradshaw et al., 2012).
Provide 1 Online resource:
Name of 2st Campus-Wide Behavior Management Systems: Love and Logic
It aims to improve the high-quality relationships between the students and educators to uphold discipline and respect inside the classroom. It does it by encouraging the students to take accountability for their actions. It promotes empathy, delays consequences, and aids the students in formulating solutions. However, it does not curb the diminishing motivation of students (Coffin, 2013, pp. 7-8; Fay, n.d.).
Provide 1 Online resource:
Comparing and Contrast both systems: How are they similar? How are they different? How can they be applied in the classroom and on campus? What are some advantages and disadvantages of using each system in the classroom and on campus?
Both systems aim to maintain a positive classroom environment where the student's safety is the priority. However, the PBIS focuses on utilizing prevention rather than detention strategies to maintain these while the Love and Logic System also encourages respect for each other to develop an environment where they feel that they are loved (Lee, n.d...
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