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Essay Instructions:
Application Note:Your Application assignment must follow APA guidelines. Please refer to the APA Publication Manual, sent to you with the materials for the first course in this program. Support your response to the assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. Cite these resources, using APA style (name, date of publication), within the body of your response. You are required to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this module. Building capacity for organizational learning is critical to continuous school improvement. In the Module B reading "Learning About Organizational Learning," Coral Mitchell and Larry Sackney list 16 indicators of organizational learning (i.e., those behaviors that are prevalent in learning organizations). For this Application assignment, identify a school (your own or one with which you are familiar). Using the chart in Part A of Indicators of Organizational Learning, assess the extent to which each behavior or indicator of organizational learning is manifested in the school you have chosen. Then, in Part B, identify four of the behaviors/indicators that you ranked the lowest. For each behavior/indicator, recommend what you would do to improve or enhance it. Be specific about the problem that each of your recommendations would address and why your recommendations would be likely to improve the capacity of the school to be a learning organization. Some of your recommendations may potentially address more than one behavior/indicator. However, your assignment is to identify and justify at least four recommendations, even if they address more than one behavior/indicator.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
BUILDING CAPACITY FOR ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING Name Institution affiliation Course Date of Submission Building Capacity for Organizational Learning The ever changing global environment from technology to interaction has resulted to increased problems to the global community. There is a need to navigate such changes and address these problems in communities and also in schools. Since organizations are a group of people working together to accomplish a particular purpose, organizational learning hence, explores its design so as to fulfill their functions effectively and encourage individuals to reach their full potential. Organization learning brings the future it most desires, by providing the organization with a competitive edge to fulfill its purpose. The understanding of working together as a whole person for educators, parents and students supports the wellbeing of students in school by respecting and building personal level of capacity for every student. In order to build a centre of education activity, there is a need for deep respect, collective responsibility, experimental orientation, diversity appreciation, positive role modeling to school with different system leadership styles, and student’s bodies as this protects the daily activities of learning organization (Scribner, Cockrel, Cockrell, & Valentine, 1999). These principles have the capability of building capacity that is relevant to the school context by engaging in an active productive process of capacity building. The organizational learning is a practice of capacities that forms the foundation of thinking system, team learning, shared vision, personal mastery and mental models. System thinking is the perception of the world in terms of whole because it focuses on the relationship of all parts of the system. This enhances seeing the reality and creating an enduring solution to challenging problems by recognizing systematic behaviors and familiarizing these behaviors with special tools in learning field (Scribner, Cockrel, Cockrell, & Valentine, 1999). This way, team learning is encouraged by enabling people to work together with a rare feeling of synergy. Leaning of a team enhances the whole group to become one toward fulfilling their purpose. Practicing of team learning enables startling of different kinds of conversations to a remarkable degree of honesty and respect. Honesty and respect among individuals in an organizational learning leads to emergence of shared vision since individuals in the organization are able to understand the organization commitments in accomplishing its vision. Individuals grasp their roles in the realization of the vision (Sicilia, 2007). This is a discipline that encourages individuals to work together since they are clear about their personal goals aligning them with those of the organization. Personal mastery is developed since everyone identifies the mark they need to leave in the world signifying the purpose of an individual and the manner in which this purpose is fulfilled. This principle calls for exploration of life expectances, desires and the willingness to take risks. The deep beliefs and assumption held about t...
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