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Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, and Connectivism

Essay Instructions:

A learning theory provides a framework for how individuals learn. In turn, teachers design instruction based on the learning theory, so that all students are able to learn effectively. There are many popular learning theories, such as social constructivism, behaviorism, connectivism, and cognitive learning theories.

When learning theories are successfully implemented, teachers are able to develop useful methods that support students as they advance their learning, as well as address student strengths and needs and provide opportunities to demonstrate understanding in various ways. Teaching methods, then, are the specific approaches teachers utilize to actualize learning theories and bring them to life in the classroom.
Complete the “Learning Theories Template" based on four of the most prominent instructional theories.
Support your work with 3-5 scholarly resources
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
Thi assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Learning Theories
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Learning Theories Template
Learning Theories





Description of Theory and Purpose

 It emphasizes on the notion that all conducts are learned through communication with the environment (Philip & Sengupta, 2020). It is used to show learners how to respond to specific stimuli.

 It emphasize on how data or information is received, organized, preserved by the minds of learners. It aims to help learners top assimilate new learned information to prevailing knowledge.

It states that students construct knowledge instead of passively taking in information. Learners apply their existing knowledge as a basis and construct on it with new information they acquire from the teacher.

It suggests that learners should integrate opinions, concepts, and wide-ranging information in a useful way. Connectivism learning theory acknowledge that technology form the primary part of the learning process and that constant connectedness of learners them chances to make crucial decisions about their learning.

Strengths of Theory

 Permit learners to focus on one learning goals. It also avails clear predictions concerning behavior of students under given conditions such as punishments and reinforcement.

It used highly controlled and rigorous methods of study enabling learners to use cognitive processes such as thinking and reflecting in class.

It promote learner agency as they develop critical thinking, assessment and creation of useful ideas. It empower learners to evaluate their assignment and mention intermediary skills.

 It generates collaboration. On the other hand, the learning happens when students are connected virtually and share thoughts, perspectives, and concepts through a collective process. It also embrace diversity.

Weaknesses of Theory

It is a one dimensional method used in understanding learner behavior and that it doesn’t account for free well and internal impacts such as feelings, moods and thoughts.

 It heavily depend on inference and involve cognitive processes that learners cannot observe directly.

 It doesn’t have a formal structure (Steffens, 2015). On ...
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