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Arizona's Definition of an English Learner

Essay Instructions:

Write a paragraph for each part explaining these ideas of the Arizona Language Development Approach:

Part 1 - Explain Arizona's definition of an English learner (EL).

Part 2 - Briefly discuss the distinctions between the following instructional program models: ESL, bilingual, sheltered English instruction, and structured English immersion (SEI).

Part 3 - Briefly describe Arizona’s Language Development Approach and the synthesis of the research around ELLs.

Part 4 - Explain student agency and its importance in the instruction of ELLs.

Part 5 - Explain each of the four principles of Arizona's Language Development Approach.

Part 6 - Discuss components of Arizona’s approved research-based SEI models: newcomer, pull-out, two hour, 50-50 dual language immersion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Arizona's Definition of an English Learner 
Part 1 - Explain Arizona's definition of an English learner (EL)
According to the Arizona English Learner policy, an English learner is a child whose inherent language is not English and is unable to speak English (Office of English Language Acquisition Services, 2021). Moreover, they are uArizona's Definition of an English Learner nable to carry out common classroom tasks in English.
Part 2 - Briefly discuss the distinctions between the following instructional program models: ESL, bilingual, sheltered English instruction, and structured English immersion (SEI)
Structured English Immersion (SEI) refers to an English course taught by a licensed tutor in bilingual tutelage and English second language education; the tutor is conversant with the learners’ custom tongue (Office of English Language Acquisition Services, 2021). Additionally, students are allowed to use their first language to interact and learn even though the teacher can only use English.
In sheltered English instruction, learners are taught English content by a licensed content tutor. However, the content and instructions are modified to fit the learners’ English proficiency levels. Ultimately the instructions promote English language development.
English Second Language (ESL) alludes to content taught by a licensed ESL instructor. The ESL instructor is able to relate with the students as he takes them through the course in English (Office of English Language Acquisition Services, 2021). Students develop their English language by engaging in English tasks and activities throughout the course. The instructor takes into account the challenges the students may face.
In bilingual education, the learners have a combined language system with the tutors using the native tongue for a section of the day and proficient English for the rest of the day. The proficient English section comprises English as second language classes, content, and instructors. Notably, with increased proficiency, the native language sessions are reduced.
Part 3 - Briefly describe Arizona’s Language Development Approach and the synthesis of the research around ELLs.
Arizona's development approach adapts an equitable view of all Arizona’s English learners. According to the Office of English Language Acquisition Services (2021), the approach encompasses ways and methods that guide English learning content designs and presentations throughout the learning cycle. Additionally, the approach connects the practices and subject matter for all instructional models. Finally, it presents how instructors present the literacy, language, and educative practices for different English learners. The state uses a resident language survey and English tests to identify the eligibility of English Language learners. English Language Learners have decreased over the years in Arizona. The program is funded by federal and state governments, with a large chunk acquired from the State of Arizona.
Part 4 - Explain student agency and its importance in the instruction of ELLs
Student agency is the interest and active drive toward defining one’s goals and out...
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