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Analyzing Components of Effective Lesson Planning

Essay Instructions:
00176827 and 00177045 are connected. I would like to have the same writer Step 1. Research Research best-practice methods in the design of a rigorous and appropriate curriculum to improve culturally diverse student performance. Target at least five systematic reviews or meta-analyses. Step 2. Rank In a table, rank the systematic review research articles selected using the AMSTAR (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews) or a similar instrument. A resource is provided on the Learning Objects page. Step 3. Evaluate Evaluate learning outcomes of culturally relevant curricular design by: Overarching course and program structure, Instructional design features, and Specific tools and strategies employed. Step 4. Conclude Based on your research, what factor(s) appears to have the most significant impact on diverse student learning and is a greater predictor of academic success? Write a paragraph stating your conclusion. Step 5. Apply Apply your research to develop a research-based lesson plan. In your lesson plan, include information on: Subject area, grade level, objectives/goals, class size, and lesson length; Common Core State Standards or other state standards the lesson addresses; Higher-order thinking questions (HOT) and the associated activity or lesson and time slot, and Assessments pertaining to content and student engagement. Step 6. Submit Submit a paper of at least 7 pages (not including title and reference pages), including an introduction to your table, your table ranking the quality of the research articles, your conclusion paragraph, and the lesson plan. Include a title page and APA-formatted references page.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Components of Effective Lesson Planning Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Date Components of Lesson Planning Introduction Understanding the needs of every student is paramount for educators to ensure quality student attainment during learning and class sessions. Students from different demographics present different learning needs, which helps educators design a qualitative teaching and learning plan. This helps enhance rigorous learning and attainment for all learners. Similarly, educators should analyze diverse students' curriculum needs to design the best learning practices to improve their attainment and performance. Indeed, learning practices such as problem-based learning methods, project-based learning, utilization of multimedia teaching approach, and adoption of twenty-first-century progressive education help improve the educational attainment of diverse students. Furthermore, educators can also apply randomised and non-randomized review methods to foster quality learning and minimize biased assessment of students' performance. Rank Systematically Reviewed Articles 1 First Problem-Based Teacher-Mentor Education: Fostering Literacy Acquisition in Multicultural Classrooms 2 Second The best laid plans: Educational innovation in elementary teacher generated integrated STEM lesson plans 3 Third Integrated Curriculum Design and Use of Multimedia Means in Primary Classes 4 Fourth 21st Century Learning and Progressive Education: An Intersection 5 Fifth AMSTAR 2: a critical appraisal tool for systematic reviews that include randomised or non-randomised studies of healthcare interventions, or both Ranking The article on Problem-Based Teacher-Mentor Education: Fostering Literacy Acquisition in Multicultural Classrooms ranks first among the systematically reviewed articles in my research, highlighting the best learning method educators should use to enhance quality learning and attainment among diverse students (Pamela et al., 2018). This article focuses on utilizing a professional development program emphasizing problem-based learning methods with educators as the students' mentors. Indeed, in high school, many students from different multicultural set-ups face the challenge of losing interest in learning and literacy attainment as they transition from the primary level of learning (Pamela et al., 2018). This inhibits quality attainment in class, thus hindering students' academic success. Through mentorship, teachers at the secondary learning level are encouraged to practice problem-based learning to foster multicultural learning and equal literacy attainment. This helps ensure students from different backgrounds improve their performance during the learning process. The article The best laid plans: Educational innovation in elementary teacher generated integrated STEM lesson plans ranks second among the systematically reviewed articles I researched and highlights the best learning and teaching approaches educators can adopt to foster successful attainment and learning among diverse students in the learning institutions (Sias et al., 2017). This article highlights two significant approaches educators can use to enhance students' engagement in classrooms during learning. These two teaching methods include project-based and student-centered teaching methods. The article also highlights the importance of location-based and family or parent-involvement approaches to exhibit quality attainment among multicultural students (Sias et al., 2017). Conversely, through these innovative teaching strategies, educators ensure all students are actively involved in the identified class projects, both short-term and long-term. Through these learning plans, educators enhance students' contribution, involvement, and engagement during class sessions, thereby fostering quality attainment and class performance. The article on Integrated Curriculum Design and Use of Multimedia Means in Primary Classes ranks third among the articles I systematically reviewed during the research process. This article highlights the significance of applying multimedia teaching plans at the primary level of learning to foster quality attainment and improve the performance of diverse students during learning and class work (Trif & Igna, 2017). The article focuses on providing educators and learners with curricular options that help multicultural students express their academic needs and improve their learning experience while learning. Through integrated teaching methods and curriculum, educators help enhance students' competencies and offer diverse learners the platform to maximize their role during learning and express their ideas during the learning process (Trif & Igna, 2017). This helps improve students' productivity and attainment in class, fostering successful performances. The article on 21st Century Learning and Progressive Education: An Intersection ranks fourth among the reviewed sources that I analyzed in my research on sources that illustrate the various learning plans and methods teachers should adopt to foster quality attainment and performance in class among diverse students (Little, 2013). This article offers curriculum insights to educators about the different progressive learning plans in the twenty-first century that promote holistic involvement and engagement of students during class sessions. Notably, this reviewed source notes the various progressive learning methods that help...
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