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Adapted Physical Activity (APA)

Essay Instructions:

3 journal articles that cover adapted physical activity or education (dont have to be on same topic). write a 1-2 paage summary about each topic in the following format for each 3 summaries.

a. Citation

b. summary of main points and conclusions of article, in your own words.

c. write a brief paragraph on possible practical use of articles as a future pe teacher

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Adapted Physical Activity (APA)
Adapted Physical Activity (APA) comprises physical activities, exercises, or sports for individuals with a health problem, low functional capacity, or impairment that makes it difficult to engage in ordinary physical exercises and activities. Accordingly, these services call for special expertise at various school levels and sports clubs. On the other hand, Adaptive Physical Education (APE) is the science and art of creating and implementing a carefully designed and planned physical education program for an individual with an impairment based on a comprehensive assessment of all that is required to live a comfortable and healthy lifestyle. This study critically analyzes various articles that talk about physical education, exercise, and activities, and how the articles can be effective and efficient for physical education (PE) teachers.
Article Review
Menear, K. S., & Davis, T. (2007). Modifying physical activities to include individuals with disabilities: A systematic approach. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 78(2), 37-41.
Menear and Davis described the various constituents of a systematic approach to assessing and addressing the needs of people with disability in an inclusive physical exercise setting. They argued that meeting the needs of individuals with disability in an all-inclusive physical activity setting is limited by physical activity equipment, curriculum, class size, and the distinct abilities of the people with or without a disability. Therefore, for the learning outcome to be effective, there is a need to modify physical activities to accommodate people with disabilities. They utilized Newell's model of constraints. The model explains that learning outcomes are highly dependent on the interactions or relationships between the tasks to be completed, the environment, and the attributes of the individual learner.
Individual attributes entail structural constraints such as abilities, body structure, and functional attributes, including motivation and behavior. Environmental factors entail all aspects of the immediate environment (indoors, outdoors, on grass, or hardwood floors) and sociocultural aspects (such as individual activities or group activities). In any physical activity, the environment is critical. A least restrictive environment effectively influences students' performance in any physical activity. According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act 2004, an intersectional or individualized assessment of a special child's fitness levels and motor skills will ensure the choosing of an appropriate environment for physical education. Other environmental factors that influence the motor performance of individuals in physical activities include the size and dimension of the playing area, noise, lighting, and the texture of the surfaces.
Tasks generally refer to what is offered or taught and what is expected of the learner in a physical education class. They include the rules, specific equipment for physical activities, and the individual's goals. Tasks are often influenced by the weight, shape, and size of the equipment used in any physical education. These three factors are significant as each individual has unique functional and structural constraints that determine the tasks to be completed and influences their response to the environment designed by the instructor. An intersectional analysis of the individual, environment, and tasks is necessary to modify physical education to accommodate the various set of individuals (with or without a disability or impairment).
For instance, in changing the tasks and the environment, one should consider if the participants can sufficiently engage in the activity, or if it is an inclusive activity, will all involved feel successful and challenged as a result of their participation, or will the participants be motivated to continue with the physical activity.
Practical Use
This article is an essential teaching and learning tool for both students with disabilities and their relevant stakeholders. In that, it reveals the significance of an in-depth analysis of the individual constraints which are then used to determine the physical exercise tasks to be completed and the favorable environment to do so.
Block, M. E., Taliaferro, A., Campbell, A. L., Harris, N., & Tipton, J. (2011). Teaching the self-contained adapted physical education class. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 82(4), 47-52.
Block et al. highlight that most learning institutions place students with moderate to severe intellectual and physical disabilities in self-contained classes during their school day. In most instances, such students are excluded from general physical education programs. Instead, they take part in adapted physical education with their peers in the self-contained classes. Since...
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