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What It Means To be a Good Friend

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay that explains what it means to be a good friend

Specific Topic: Being a good friend

THESIS STATEMENT: When you are a good friend, you are loyal/has your back, have fun/hangs out and listen to your problems

Essay should have: Introduction,

Body : need 3 paragraph (explain/example) for the thesis statement


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Good Friendship
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Good Friendship
A good friendship makes life more fun, fulfilling, and meaningful. Friends provide emotional support that makes people feel connected and loved. Since humans are busy and easily get distracted, it sometimes becomes challenging to get good friends. However, the best way to know a good friend is to observe one’s qualities, behaviors, and compatibility. A good friend is loyal, fun, and listens keenly to one problem.
Loyalty is one of the primary aspects that contribute to lifelong friendships. Indeed, it involves unshakeable belief and support at all times. A good friend will always be there for someone even if the entire world has abandoned him or her. The person stands firmly to support somebody and does not take other sides even if one made mistakes. A good friend cares about someone and is always available, particularly when an individual is facing problems. The person never talks negatively about somebody behind his or her back. If offended, he or she confronts someone to get straight answers and reconcile the issue. In addition, a good friend is genuine and trustworthy. The person speaks from his or her heart. He or she does not go around gossiping. The individual is ready to confront someone even when things are not good. In that light, one does not feel bad sharing secrets or intimate thoughts with a good friend. However, loyalty and trustworthiness should be mutual between close friends. A good friend never betrays and he or she does not deny or avoid reality. As a result, trustworthiness and loyalty are significant qualities of a lasting friendship.
A good friend is fun and makes one see t...
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