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Weekend Challenge 3: The Chronicle of Higher Education

Essay Instructions:

Your third weekend challenge allows you to contemplate the purpose of a college education, drawing on an article from The Chronicle of Higher Education, our Common Reading Program selection Between The World and Me, and your own personal experiences, including looking back to high school and considering how your personal responsibilities are changing as you evolve into an independent college student. These reflections should help inform your personal plan for setting and achieving goals.
Step 0. Read the article “How to Assess the Real Payoff of a College Degree” at http://www(dot)chronicle(dot)com/article/Is-ROI-the-Right-Way-to-Judge/138665/ (also available as a pdf file on moodle)
Step 1. Briefly summarize two competing viewpoints discussed in the article regarding how to assess the value of a college education.
-Which aspects of each viewpoint do you agree or disagree with? Why?
Step 2. Consider Ta-Nehisi Coates's reflections on his own university experience in Between The World and Me. 
-Which perspective on the value of education do you think Coates would most agree with? Use specific examples from the text.
-Among the aspects of his university experience, Coates describes “intellectual vertigo” and “the Mecca.” Have you found any equivalents to these at NC State? Describe how do these characteristics affect the value of the college experience.
Step 3. Reflect on how your responsibilities (and opportunities) as an individual to determine the value of your education differ from high school to college.
Step 4. Type your summary and reflections in Word, save the document as Yourlastname-WC3.docx (where Youlastname is obviously replaced with your actual last name), and submit to moodle. Limit the length of your document to 750 words or less.
Grading Rubric
I. Accurately summarized two perspectives presented in the Chronicle article, and discussed why you agree or disagree with them. (6 pts possible)
II. Compared Coates's perspective on college with the views presented in the Chronicle article, using specific examples, and related the ideas of “intellectual vertigo” and “the Mecca” to your own college experiences. (8 pts possible)
III. Reflected on and compared your responsibilities for determining the value of your education in high school and in college. (6 pts possible)
IV. Answer is well-organized and generally free of errors in spelling and grammar. (5 pts possible)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
According to the article, there are at least two ways of truly assessing the value of college education. One way is to perceive from the economic standpoint, computing the cost and acquired benefits of having a college education. From this view, college is valued as something that would permit members of the society a golden ticket that would allow to them to acquire better jobs with better payments, thus more money and supposedly happier lives. Studies and surveys add credibility to this standpoint and many have said that college has indeed proven itself as a tool to acquire an advantage out in the world of adults. On the other hand, the article also argues that college education is also a tool for personal growth and development. Many universities offer various courses and degrees that allow students to gain a vast amount of knowledge about the mechanical workings of the systems of the universe through science, philosophy, and mathematics. These knowledge provide a perspective of the world as a magnificent creation of an intelligent being, however, the focus of education on our present society is somewhat limited to that of a tool for getting only better jobs and opportunities.
The system of education has devalued the true worth of a human being in his or her talents, emotions, and aspirations. From these two perspectives, I think that there is a balance in between, and from this balance comes the greatest value and true worth of education whether college or high school. If people are able to realize that education is a source of wisdom not only for getting jobs but also for perceiving the world in a new light, then it would provide means for a better society. The opportunities of college education in our current society makes it easier for the members to acquire means of a better lifestyle. It is through our choice of either making our talents and creativity bloom or rigorously training our brains for intellectual gains. College and High school education serves each person differently according to one’s own talents, needs, interests and will power. Not every college graduate can find better jobs, but through college education, one can indeed greatly enhance one’s potential and inner self through the people they meet and lessons, not only academicals but also for life, that they learn.
In the modern setting of our world today, higher education most commonly serves as an arena for training people to become makers and employees, who would buy stuff and interact with the society economically. In this system, large corporations are able to acquire efficient workers with minimum costs and would also be able to gain a portion of the population’s efforts through corporate connections. In Coates own words, the notion of college education becomes an analogy for “The Mecca” in the sense that it becomes a righteous place to be in, and is one of the ultimate evidences of success. The history of col...
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