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Personal Statement For USC Business Analytics Program

Essay Instructions:

Follow the instruction

Be sure you know enough about the program, here is the link


My goals are getting into Riot Company as a business analyst, here is the job link


I have also uploaded some examples you could use as a template. Do not make up any experience or anything personal related. I just need a big structure so I could add my personal part in it.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Statement
Name of Student
Institutional Affiliation
Author Note
Personal Statement for USC Business Analytics
I have a vast knowledge of basic concepts and various frameworks of business. This is because of my undergraduate course in the school of management. My interest in business analytics has come by due to my strong experience both academically and socially. With this, I would like to pursue my passion for Business Analytics in your Master’s Program. I believe with this next level in knowledge and concepts that are advanced, I will be able to understand from the perspective of data, the business logic better.
Notably, due to my achievement in academics which is excellent in my undergraduate level, I believe I have gotten to a level to be able association my academic background with my great experience in order to achieve my ambitions so as to build a society that is more effective. Business analytics is in no doubt a growing sector within business and financial management. This field of business is useful in understanding the rights and wrongs that we do or encounter in today’s market as well as in future trends predictions.
Data analysis has played a bigger role in my identification of great business opportunities for I am able to create value for customers successfully through the smart decisions that I make. Notably, I also believe that my prowess in mathematics and a strong academic foundation have prepared me for this journey. During my undergraduate, I learned about my robust fascination in financial analysis whereby I developed my interest in business analytics. While working as an intern at XYZ Bank as well as a financial advisor, I got to strengthen my analytical capabilities. It is my belief that the course offered at the University of Southern California will enhance my skills in the various fields of data analysis and the skills I will acquire will build my understanding of software’s allowing me to come up with better analysing models for great solutions.
Three years ago, together with a group a friend, we came up with an idea of tutoring HI school students after normal classes. By use of questionnaires, we were able to establish that a greater percentage of the students we interviewed preferred being in a class that had less than 10 students. Notably, the other people that were offering the sam...
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