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Team Skills Weekly Staff Meeting, Team Structure, Authority

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Objective

Find an operational challenge that would benefit from having a project deployed, and build a complete project charter. The charter should be a minimum of 2 pages. This is where you will begin to develop your final project for this course.

Additional Guidance

There are key points that must be completed and skills needed during the project:

Team Skills

Weekly staff meeting

Operations Balanced Scorecard and other metrics

Projects progress and problem solving

Getting things done

Clear accountability

Adequate resources

Documentation of meetings, activities, action items, metrics, etc…

Team Structure and Authority

It is important to have the right team members that will help move the project forward. There will need to be accountability and documentation of roles and responsibilities. Like anything, everybody has to do their part to complete the task at hand. Unfortunately, one underperformer can derail your whole project. In order to ensure everybody understands the scope, having a project charter is key, you will lay out ground rules, expectations and then all the details surrounding the project. This is the time you will also lay out the time commitment, as it relates to meeting times and work that will need to be completed. Having deadlines is important, sticking to them is even more important.

We are very good at putting together robust documents with great ideas, but forget to assign responsible parties and deadlines for deliverables. Without these items, the plan is nothing but words on a piece of paper.

Project management is a key tool that is used to enhance operations, as it helps you review processes and find the way to be effective and efficient with the resources you have, and helps you find ways to be innovative to re-engineer your work.

Project Selection

How do you decide what projects you want to invest your capital on – human and financial?

The leadership team must decide what their focus of the year will be and which of these require a project to complete. Referring back to your balanced scorecard will be key in making these decisions. This will help keep you focused as it is easy to get wrapped up in the large amount of work that needs to be addressed. By keeping your balanced scorecard focused, you will be able to easily identify what projects need to be selected.

The leadership team will need to lay out all the potential projects, assign a priority to each one, and define a timeline. Once that has been established, they need to identify the strategic alignment, financial impact, quality/productivity impact, customers/patients impact, staff availability and training and probability of success of each project. Once you assign points to each one of these categories, it will help you prioritize the projects.

Project Charter

Once you have identified your projects, you will need to pull together the key stakeholders. Begin by identifying the executive and physician stakeholders, and then the core team. The charter sets the groundwork, reviews the ground rules, the objective and goal of the project, timeline, and activities that need to be completed.

There are four key categories of a charter: (Input sample charter)





How do you identify your stakeholders?

These are those that are directly impacted by the project. Who is held accountable for the project? Who will be part of the decision making process? Who will own action items?

These are the questions that need to be asked as you build your project team. You will first and foremost need an executive and possibly a physician champion (depending on the kind of project and how clinical it may be). Your department has decided to look at ways to improve patient access. Who should be part of this team? Medical director? Director? Manager? All of these individuals have direct ties to the work being done and should be part of the team. Where your executive champions may not be available for every meeting, they need to sponsor your project, advocate for the work being done, and help with the tough decisions or situations that may come down the pike.

Feasibility Analysis

As you develop the charter, it is important to measure the feasibility of the project. What is realistic and will drive change? If you propose building a new facility, do you have executive support for this? Or are you going to look at adding a scheduling department to streamline the work to help improve access by taking non-clinical work out of clinical space? Which one of these approaches is more feasible?

The Elements of the Project Charter 

As you work through all of these fine points, you will begin to build your ‘Project Charter'. As stated previously, there are four areas you need to cover in the charter, this document will also serve as your executive summary. When you need to re-focus and ensure you are staying on track, this document will help you.

Project mission statement

Project purpose or justification and connection to strategic goals (that balanced scorecard creeps in again)

High-level requirements that satisfy customers, sponsors and other stakeholders

Assigned project manager and authority level

Summary milestones

Stakeholder influences

Functional organizations and their expected level of participation

Organizational, environmental, and external assumptions and constraints

Financial business case, budget, and return on investment

Project sponsor with approval signature

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Access to Mental Health for the Youths
Mental health care is a subject that has been largely associated with the adults. However, there is a population that has been neglected for the longest time and one that not most researches have addressed; this is the population of youths that are suffering from mental health conditions. In most of the cases, the youths and their families do not have access to mental health care in their neighborhood and in some of the cases in their counties (Geist, 2017). As most of the health care facilities have concentrated their efforts on the adults’ population suffering from mental health conditions. In the wake of the school shootings that have been on the rise, there is a need to address the question of access to mental health services for the youths and children in the United States. It is clear that most of the policies in place within the health care systems do not capture the element of mental health among the youths. The hospital does not offer adequate cover for the mental conditions suffered by youths and hence the need for the changes (Cummings, Wen & Druss, 2013). This is also reflected at the national policies, however, this project will concentrate on the hospital policies which are much easier to review and change. In the future, the program could be expanded to cover the entire of the United States or some parts of the states. Parents struggling with mentally unstable children find themselves with the burden of accessing health care services out of their pockets (Geist, 2017).
The project is estimated to take quite some time relative to the number of stakeholders that are involved in the changes. Given the parties involved and the intricate processes of getting the policies changed and implemented, it is estimated that the project will take one and half years. Relative to the scale of the internal policies that the hospital has to change one and a half years is going to be enough (Georgetown Institute, 2017).
* To offer parents a comprehensive cover for their youths
* To offer youth suffering from mental health access to medical insurance
* To offer adequate mental health care to the youths at the hospital depending on their resources
* To reduce the impact of mental health conditions on the society
The scope of the project is going to include a number of phases, one of them being the evaluation of the current policies on youth mental care services. This will include the level of access to health care services, which include checkups, treatment plans, and medication, dedicated teams to develop winning treatment plans and follow up services. The othe...
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