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Creative Writing
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Subject Area Creative Writing: Passage Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Your essay must cite and analyze passages from Anand Giridharadas’s “The Critic and the Thought Leader,” Saidiya Hartman’s Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments, and one of the following readings:
Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein, Data Feminism
Jia Tolentino, “Always be Optimizing”
Maggie Nelson, “Great to Watch”
In his chapter “The Critic and the Thought Leader,” Anand Giridharadas describes how Amy Cuddy and others gradually evolved from a “critic” to a “thought leader.” The difference between these two categories is crucial but not always easy to decipher. Thought leaders, Giridharadas writes, “help the public see problems as personal and individual dramas rather than collective and systemic ones” (97). They “are taking on issues that can easily be regarded as political and systematic—injustice, layoffs, unaccountable leadership, inequality, the abdication of community, the engineered precariousness of ever more human lives—but using the power of their thoughts to cause us to zoom in and think smaller” (100 emphasis mine). Critics/public intellectuals, by comparison, zoom out, “seeing things in terms of systems and structures” (97). In Cuddy’s case in particular, this shift from zooming out to zooming in means that “the larger dynamics of power and sexism and prejudice” can be addressed, at least in part, with a solution as easy as “power posing” (91). Using textual evidence from both Hartman and Giridharadas as well as one other author, craft a response to the following question: Is it possible to make real changes to a system while operating by its rules?

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Subject Area Creative Writing: Passage Analysis
Subject Area Creative Writing: Passage Analysis
In every system where leaders take control, continuous and endless needs are required to maintain or advance with changing times. Due to the changes that occur consistently, the system leaders must ensure that they utilize the system rules to inflict the necessary fundamental changes within. Moreover, making real changes in a system require a redefinition of the system target and vision. Achieving these visions requires that several rules within the system are well manipulated to suit the necessary changes as long as they remain feasible and relevant. This paper argues that it is impossible to change a system without interfering with its operating rules. Making changes requires the responsible leadership to find a way to blend the fundamental changes processes with the necessary regulations for manipulation to achieve their set targets.
Topic Sentence Paragraphs
“Inspire the rich to do more good, but never tell them to do less harm; inspire them to give back, but never tell them to take less, inspire them to join the solution but never accuse them of being part of the problem (Giridharadas, 37)." This is one of the quotes that base the book on driving the themes and elements it targets. In this context, the writer covers internal contradictions that arise among people who inspire social change in a position of power and wealth. In this quest, the author suggests shortcomings in applying the McKinsey style in solution analysis to social issues affecting societies. It suggests that there is a limitation in the venture capitalists that fund social solutions. At the same time, there are massive problems for powerful people who go around preaching a win-win opportunity for people in business and society. It poses challenges for people to work for changes in the societies while working within the existing system. It confirms that social impacts consultants are compromised because they cannot afford to displease their clients. Additionally, changing the system means appreciating that social justice cannot be achieved without changing government corruption; rather, accountability is core in changing the system.
Wayward lives present three structures sections, slavery, emancipation, and the great migration, in a manner that ensures they align well with each concept. The books presents that theoretical interventions exist but may not necessarily exist in the ability to take charge of intimate dimensions of the young women's lives to convey the city's experience to their rich and capture their landscape of black social life. It gives the quote that “waywardness is a form of ongoing explorations, the untiring practice to live when you would not survive; living when you were never meant to live. (Hartman, S. (2019)" It implies that for certain objectives to be achieved, the principles have to be opposed; rather, changes have to be made by changing the laws and principles that are underlying.
According to the book "Always be optimizing," a unique quote is presented saying that “striving to look carefree and happy can interfere with your ability to feel so (Jia Tolentino, Trick Mirror, 87.” This requires that becoming who someone is and changing the situation requires that they do not struggle to seek happiness for satisfaction. Rather they can consistently focus on the actual impacts that can change the situation without confronting them. From the presentation of the women as people who can take control of themselves and command their happiness, they can stand against any happiness obstacle along their way. Thus through o[personal determination and focus on the ultimate goal, no rules of the created system can prevent them from achieving the targets.
According to Winners' illustrations, the world has different changes that need to be made for a successful approach to confronting problems. This scenario presented how much people who lead luxury lives come back to people trying to be good, yet they fail to appreciate and recognize how their journey to the top led to harm to others. According to the book, the role of changes to any system relies upon the wealthy, well-meaning people. They are the only people who induce changes within the system regardless of the existing rules or the presence of the rules. In this quest, the wealthy and powerful cause changes by selling hope to the people without correcting the bad within (Grady, 2019). The rich people live in different forms of generation; however, how they rise to the occasion and maintain their stay on top while controlling the people at the bottom is more of the same. As questions grow whether they are honest or not, making changes within any system requires intervention and intrusion through the government and businesses. Other aspects where the wealthy have succeeded also offer ideal conditions for the owners to exploit and gain control over the less fortunate.
According to the books “The Critic and the Thought Leader,”, the wealthy and people of power enjoy significant advantages over poor people. For example, in America, the rich have a longer lifespan compared to the poor. It cites that wealthy and influential people could live fifteen years more than ordinary poor people. In the country, like many others, the poor people have the conviction that the system is rigged against them, thus often leaving the responsibility on the hands of the rich to make any decisions they require. This advantage is that the wealthy and powerful utility to change the systems regardless of the existing rules (Martin, J. H., & Novak., 2019). Besides, the power that they enjoy over the poor is advantageous to them such that they can never be successfully opposed, yet the poor and less fortunate also lack a deeper understanding of the system more than the wealthy do. It therefore, grants them the opportunity to influence every decision they intend regardless of the rules that guide the systems (Bruce-Jones, 2020). In the book “The Critic and the Thought Leader,”, it is depicted that there is a deep connection between the social concerns of the wealthy and the elite for example where it is highlighted that “Inspire the rich to do more good, but never, ever tell them to do less harm; inspire them to give back, but never, ever tell them to take less; inspire them to join the solution, never, ever accuse them of being part of the problem. (Winners Take All, p. 155)”. In this case, the rich mean to utilize any breach to achieve its targets regardless of whatever it takes. Elites take the responsibility to pursue the changes on behalf of the poor and less educated who cannot play any significant role rather than back them even if the ideas were harmful. In this advantage, the elites only target a small part of the changes; the changes could be well-meaning with good intentions for the other part of the public yet very inadequate compared to their needs.
To induce changes within the system regardless of its rules, social elites believe that changes can be pursued through voluntary actions. In this quest, they suggest that changes and reforms be supervised by the elites the alleged winner of every situation subjected to change. In the leading processes, the elites emerge with the most significant role to perform, thus having leading roles in changing the status quo. According to the quote “This book is the work of a critic but it is also the work of an insider-outsider to that which it takes on. There is almost no problem probed in this book, no myth, no cloud of self-serving justification that I haven’t found a way of being a part of, whether because of naivite, cynicism, rationalization, ignorance, or the necessity to make a living…I cannot separate m...
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