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Slavery and the Commencement of the Civil War

Essay Instructions:

Please answer two of the following questions in organized, formal, analytical essays, of at least 800 words each (retyping the question does not count toward the word count, nor does a works cited page that you don’t need), that you submit together as one file. I do not want you to simply list out page after page of facts and quotes. If you do that, you will not earn a high score, because you will have written a report. You need to think about these questions, draw on what we have covered, and provide convincing answers, backed up with evidence and specific examples, and cited. No citations means no passing grade.

This exam is about showing that you can think about some of the big ideas of the course so far, and deliver original thoughts. You have a while to write these, so I expect them to be well-written. Grammar and mechanics will be part of your grade.

As far as sources go, while I obviously cannot prevent you from googling your way into oblivion, keep in mind that the examples and specifics you provide have to be found in some combination of the textbook, lectures, and primary source documents we have covered, and you should strive to use a variety of sources. If you’re writing about things that you just found somewhere, that is not going to work. These are not research papers, so please, do not use outside sources – they are prohibited. These essays will go through TurnItIn, so do not bother trying to copy.

Really, I cannot stress this enough – stay off the Web when writing these. Trying to find answers online is the fast track to an academic integrity case, and if there appears to be evidence of an infraction, which can pretty much only come from looking at things that are not the textbook, lecture notes or primary sources, I will not hesitate to report it.

How did slavery both lead to and alter the course of the Civil War?
Why were so many poor, white southerners willing to die to preserve and expand slavery, an institution in which they would almost certainly never directly participate?

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How did slavery both lead to and alter the course of the civil war?
Slavery was a crucial cause of the American civil war. Other reasons could lead to the war but, slavery was the major origin. Also, the course of the Civil War was majorly altered by the prevalence of bondage. African-Americans were discriminated from the whites and forced to work without pay. The continuous dissatisfaction from the blacks made them strive for equality in the US. Attaining the sort of freedom was prominently resisted by the whites. Thus, it is vital to understand the significance of slavery to the commencement and the course of the Civil War.
Commencement of the Civil War
The Civil War broke out in 1961 after a series of cold wars between the states of the US. This war involved the northern and the southern states due to their differences regarding slavery. During this period, the economy of the United States was exceedingly growing compared to the neighboring nations. The northern region was comprised of individuals that depended on manufacturing and industries to sustain the economy of its states. Also, the states practiced agriculture on small-scale farms to mainly produce food crops. Contrary, the southern states predominantly practiced agriculture on large-scale farms. Their farms were so vast that they required huge forces of labor to sustain the farms.
Additionally, the southern states were primarily required to utilize the services of the slaves to sustain their economy. Black slaves were mainly used in the growth of specific crops particularly cotton and tobacco. Before the war, emergent speculations began to condemn the evil of slavery (Stephens, 1861). Northern states were the main critics of the oppression of black Americans. The southerners sought to extend slavery to the new western regions but, abolition sentiments blocked their endeavors. Fear rose among the southerners as the backbone of its economy was periled by the northern states. The struggle between the two regions led to the rising enmity between them.
The election of Abraham Lincoln into office intensified the simmering tensions between the two zones. Northerners were perceived as the destructors of the south state's economy. The abolition of slavery would imply that its primary source of livelihood would be affected. Shortly after Lincoln's election, some states in the south seceded to form the Confederate States (Secession and the Civil War). Afterward, more states continued to join the newly formed Confederate State to counter the ruling government. The Confederated pursued the strengthening of its military prowess to counter the inevitable Civil War. Protection of slavery was considered a long-held tradition that necessitated staunch defending to maintain a blossoming economy.
At the time, the demand for cotton had risen and a constant supply of the product was required to sustain the need. The slaves contributed vastly to the rising wealth of the southerners (Globe, 1862). Also, the constitution was unclear concerning the use of slavery to sustain the economy. Southern states would utilize the gaps to intensify their cause of producing in huge plantations. They would scramble for new states to pursue more slaves. These activities led to the rise of revolutionary wars in some parts of the states. Thus, the invasion into the western territories stirred strife between the conflicting states.
The Commencement of the War
The outbreak of the American Civil War witnessed an intense attack from the Confederate army. Lincoln had to reorganize the army and bring reinforcements to strengthen the Union forces. More soldiers were drafted to the war fronts to counter the emerging resistance. After conquering a Confederate state, the Lincoln administration would free all the slaves in the region through the Emancipation Proclamation (Foner, 2008). The slaves unbound were allowed to freely operate within their states. Their operations in Union states were blocked until the war was over. Further, Lincoln issued a final Emancipation Proclamation that dreadfully weakened the Confederate States of America. The proclamation abolished slavery in the conquered confederate states while bondage was legal in the Union states. This would imply that the slaves in the rebellion states would be unified to counter their oppressors. Thus, slavery was an essential tool in the prevalence of victory during the preliminary stages of the Civil War.
Moreover, Lincoln drafted the blacks into the Union armies to help fight the Confederates. The inclusion of African-Americans into the Union military significantly strengthened their armies. The former slaves were expected to fight more passionately to defend the freedom of other oppressed black people in the Confederate states. Winning is inevitable when the soldiers are fighting for a cause that appeals to their emotions. Likewise, the black soldiers believed in freedom from slavery and subjection to equal rights. Fighting in the war provided an ample opportunity for their dreams of living freely to be achieved. Finally, the hope for the entire abolition of slavery deepened the intensity of the war. Slaves in the northern stat...
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