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Why is Shark Finning Popular?

Essay Instructions:

write about (paragraphed 1) why shark finning is popular, (Paragraph 2) why is shark finning so popular in asian cultures, (paragraph 3) what laws are protecting sharks.

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needs a beginning and a conclusion.

full page.

(only one page)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Why is Shark Finning Popular?
Shark Finning is an act of animal cruelty that is prevalent in the world due to a demand for Shark Fins as food. Shark Fins were popularized by the Chinese People, when ancient cultures served it to emperors as a luxury food, believed to have medicinal properties. Nowadays, sharks’ fins are hunted and gathered by fishermen by finning a shark and taking only the fins, dumping the sharks’ bodies back into the ocean. The Fishermen are able to make a living by selling the shark fins due to its high value in the market. Around the world, shark fin trade is circulating, which impacts the balance of the ecosystem, fisheries, and existing and potential tourism. Shark finning has been practiced since ancient times, but now is the time where it is most prominent. People have to change their ways if they truly want to avert the negative impacts of Shark Finning.
Only the fins are kept because shark fins are actually among the most expensive seafood items in the world. Its price vary from country to country but retail values of over US$ 400 per kilogram can be achieved. The value of the shark fin is reportedly 20 to 250 times the value of the meat by weight. The fishermen who do this know that it is economically beneficial to use the limited space on a vessel to store a high-priced commodity such as fins so that they can maximize their profits. They do this rather than fill their boats with the low-priced meat of the sharks’ body.Shark populations are at great risk, and this kind of activity is leaving many sharks still alive, suffocating and bleeding to death.
Why is Sharks Finning popular in Asian Countries?
In Asian cultures, such as the Chinese, Shark Fins are believed to revitalize health and promote youth. The shark fins were served to emperors and important guests as a symbol of victory over the powerful animal, which made them believe that by eating the shark fin, they are able to get the strength and the prope...
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