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Scientific Literacy and How Scientific Discourse Creates Identity

Essay Instructions:

Page 1: Zerbe writes, "scientific discourse will not just construct identity, it will define or even create it [author's italics]" (4). What are some ways in which this statement is true? What are the implications?
Page 2: At this point, what do you think it means to be scientifically literate? How would you rate your own scientific literacy? What do you think you could do to improve it?
Book used : Composition and the Rhetoric of Science: Engaging the Dominant Discourse
Book by Michael J. Zerbe
Please include that am already a nursing assistant (CNA) and I worked with the elderly and mentally challenged too.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Scientific Discourse
Institution Page 1
Scientific discourse can be described as the methods and processes through which scientific information is communicated and debated. It is indeed true that scientific discourse will soon be able to transcend the limitations of constructing identity and ascend to heights of creating and even defining it. It is possible with the level of technology in the world today. Cultures are sharing technology and incorporating the scientific knowledge in these cultures so that it is part and parcel of the culture. Communication technology is one of the primary enhancers of globalization as it is slowly reducing the world into a global village. Thus, the communication of scientific knowledge is much easier than in the past when traditional communication was dominant. Technological advancements are slowly promoting science discourse to become a part of the cultural identity of the different cultures in the world.
Over-dependence on science has been instrumental in promoting scientific discourse in the world today. Science is being relied upon as a basis for the explanation of things that happen in the world. Owing to the evidence-based nature of science, it has a tendency to provide proof of every position and concept that it provides. Thus, people are continually gaining an appreciation for this increasing the number of believers in science. The over-reliance on products of science such as technology comes as a result of people seeing positive outcomes from science. Thus, people readily accept science which promotes its pedagogy. Science has become the backbone of many economies which explains why countries are pushing for scientific literacy. A country like China promotes scientific discourse by making science mandatory in the education system. That shows the general acc...
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