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Research Describe The Rising Healthcare Cost in America

Essay Instructions:

For your first project, identify one important, current issue in American healthcare or concerning global health, and then follow the instructions below. This paper provides you with an opportunity to explore how current events are affecting the role of the healthcare administrator.

• Prepare an 800-1,000 word research brief that (1) summarizes a news story found on Kaiser Health News and then (2) discusses the implications of this news event on your future as a leader in health care.

• Incorporate at least three (3) scholarly journal articles published in the last five years into your paper and cited accordingly. In addition, you must use UMUC's library to locate the articles and include at least one scholarly journal that provides a DOI = digital object identifier on the reference page (example: doi: 10.1108/03090560710821161).

• Follow APA style guidelines for cover page, citations, and the reference page. An abstract is not required for this paper.

• Prepare your essay in MS Word with 1-inch margins on all sides, double-spaced and 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Please note that the 1000 word limit pertains to the body of the paper.

After you guys choose the title, i will send one reference from UMUC's library one scholarly journal that provides a DOI = digital object identifier so that you can use it as reference.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Rising Healthcare Cost in America
Student’s Name
The Rising Healthcare Cost in America
One of the aspects that characterize the health care debate today in America is the rising costs. The cost of healthcare in the country has been rising at exponential rates and this is a source of worry for members of the population. With increasing healthcare costs, families have to spend more on their health and this reduces the money that is available for other important expenses. It is important for a health administrator to understand the issues surrounding the rising healthcare costs in order to develop relevant policies. As such, the rising healthcare costs affect to a great extent the role of a healthcare administrator. It is important to note that high health care costs can limit the ability of consumers to access healthcare. This paper examines the rising cost of healthcare, particularly how it affects the aging members of the population.
Summary of News Story
In the news story, Findlay (2017), examines how retirees have been frightened by the rising costs of health insurance. As members of the population age, the risk of experiencing unexpected medical event or illness rises. About 20 million members of the American population purchase health insurance in the individual market. The rising premiums have been a source of worry for these members of the population. With insurance providers raising premiums by double digits, a significant portion of the income of health insurance buyers goes to paying for the premiums. Findlay gives an example of Don and Debra Clarks, who spend about 30% of their income on healthcare.
The rising healthcare costs have left retirees and the self-employed confused and worried since it is complicated to find a healthcare plan that works for them. Couples who do not get government subsidy are at highest risk. Findlay (2017) notes that premiums rose by 22% in 2017 and it is forecasted that the rate would be higher in 2018. This increase could cause fewer people to purchase health insurance coverage. In 2015, the percentage of members of the population aged between 50 and 64 who were not insured was 8%. In 2017, the percentage stood at 10%. While the Affordable Care Act made health insurance affordable, its abolition threatens to increase the costs, particularly for the aging members of the population. The article has shown how the rising insurance premiums are a significant problem, particularly for the retirees.
Implications for a Leader in Healthcare
As an administrator, it is imperative to understand the factors that drive the healthcare costs in the country. Mack (2016) points out that a major contribution to the rising healthcare costs is wasteful spending. The author notes that physicians practice “over prescription” as a way of avoiding litigation or just increasing their profitability. The members of the population are willing to undergo expensive but unnecessary medical procedures. For example, Mack (2016) notes that there was a rise of 15% annually in the use of MRI and CT scans. In addition, Maher, Hanlon, & Hajjar (2014) note that polypharmacy is a common practice among the older members of the population. This is the use of many drugs than required. This practice further increases the costs of healthcare. As mentioned earlier, older people face higher health risks and thus spend more on healthcare. For example, as noted by the American Diabetes Association (2013), a large port...
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