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Reflection on Preventing Domestic Violence Research

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Personal Essay
Due 22nd and worth 100 points
Write a personal reflection on why you chose the topic(Preventing Domestic violence) that you did. Include three (3) reasons why the topic is meaningful to you.
Write a two (2) page paper in which you:
Include a clear introduction and thesis statement.
Identify the three reasons why this category and topic are meaningful to you.
Each main body paragraph should match the reasons stated in your thesis. Suggested paragraph length is 5-7 sentences each.
Include a clear conclusion that restates your thesis.
Here is my Outline
Writing Template
1. Introduction
1) Throughout our cities and communities, domestic violence is a social problem which continues to plague the nation. Through stricter law enforcement, improved hospital reporting techniques, and nationwide education and counseling, this problem can be reduced. Domestic violence has many different names such as, family violence, battering, wife beating, and domestic abuse. All these terms refer to the same thing, abuse by marital, common law, or a dating partner in an intimate relationship.
2) Preventing Domestic Violence is important to me because It can help support victims in accessing information, services, and legal assistance., it show respect and promote respect for all people, regardless of race, gender, religious affiliation, or sexually orientation., and Help children develop knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs that lead to healthy relationship..
2. Body
1) It can help support victims in accessing information, services, and legal assistance.
a. If you suspect that someone close to you is being abused or has been sexually assaulted, gently ask if you can help. call the national domestic hotline.
2) it show respect and promote respect for all people, regardless of race, gender, religious affiliation, or sexually orientation.
a. support men to be empowered bystanders who can help confront abusive peers.
3) Help children develop knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs that lead to healthy relationship.
Support education initiatives that address teens and adult dating violence.
3. Conclusion
1) As a result, preventing domestic violence is important to everyone because It can help support victims in accessing information, services and legal remedies, as well as showing respect and promoting respect for all people, regardless of race, gender, religious affiliation, or sexually orientation, and Help children develop knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs that lead to healthy relationship. Encouraging training on how to prevent violence can aid everyone and protect our communities from abuse.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection on Preventing Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a social issue that across diverse communities in the US, and increased awareness on the issue has highlighted the problems associated with intimate partner violence. Stricter law enforcement has been crucial in reducing domestic violence cases, but counseling is even more effective for victims and perpetrators. Domestic violence has also been referred as domestic abuse, battery, wife beating and family violence. Raising awareness on domestic violence helps victims’ access information, counseling and victim services. It also helps to promote healthy habits to respect people and prevent further abuse.
Improving access to services
The response to domestic abuse has been inadequate, and victims need access to better quality services if they are to cope with domestic violence (Capaldi & Langhinrichsen-Rohling, 2012). The domestic abuse programs in place do not necessarily offer the required support, and better funding would improve access to legal and counseling services. Typically, victims suffer physical violence or emotional and psychological trauma, where the patterns of abusive behavior occur over time. Victims are likely to be threatened, intimidated, coerced or even isolated, that they are in a difficult position when in need of services. As such, supporting victims to access information and legal support is necessary. One of the ways to achieve this is to have a national domestic hotline open 24 hours that people from various states can call asking for assistance when they experience domestic violence or sexual assault.
Respect people
Programs targeting the perpetrators behavioral changes are beneficial as they can stop their violent and abusive behavior even as they learn to treat partners respectfully and other people regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religious affiliation. Even when the partners face difficulties they do not have to result to violence and extreme anger that results in violence ...
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