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Oleander (Nerium Oleander): Naughty by Nature

Essay Instructions:

The Challenge: Dive into the science, history, and importance of a plant of your choosing. You can pick up a plant from any field trip, from a plant product in the supermarket, from our lectures, from a science documentary, or from another source. It can be a plant that means a lot to you or something you just want to learn more about.

For example: If you pick a fresh food item at the grocery store: look at the sticker on it. Describe if it is a drupe, berry, pome, etc... What variety is it? (the sticker will say typically) Is that variety known for a particular trait? (SweeTango is known for that saccharine crunch plus a lemony tang!) Is that variety a hybrid of two older varieties (Honeycrisp and Zestar)? Do the numbers on the sticker mean anything? Where did it come from? (Grown in Washington, bred in Minnesota! But apples are originally from Afghanistan) How has it been used historically? (cider!) Was it used medicinally? How does its cultivation impact farmers? The planet? Does it have an interesting economic history? Etc. Have fun, and dive into it!

Key question: How have humans influenced this plant, and how has it influenced us?

● Read and cite six relevant and appropriate articles. (if you’re unsure about a source just ask!) You can use either or both of the two papers provided if they are aligned with your subject. The total number of peer-reviewed cited papers should be 6 or more.

● Use your research to write a 5-page essay detailing the human and botanical impacts of your chosen plant,

● Use the list below for ideas, though not every plant will hit every point (for example, if you pick a plant that has not been domesticated, don’t write about domestication)

o Where is it native? Where did it originate?

o Interesting aspects of its biology/ecology

o When was it domesticated?

o Is it being bred/ genetically engineered?

o What is its economic history? Does it have a major economic impact today? o Does it have any medicinal uses, and are they substantiated? Was it used for

medicinal purposes in the past?

o What are its impacts on sustainability? Land use? Water use? o Is it associated with a social cost? (eg. impacting laborers)

● Your essay can include the reason you chose the plant and its impact on your life, but the majority should be a factual account of the plant and its role in society (or society's role for the plant...)

Format and length requirements:

1) Abstract (100-150 words)

2) Main Body: 5 pages double-spaced (Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion)

o 12-point Times New Roman font

o 1-inch margins

o In-text citations should also follow Plant Physiology or Plant Cell format (author

last name, second author last name (followed by et al. if more than two authors), year published). See the example citation list In-Text section below.

3) Cited Sources section should be at the end (minimum of 6 sources: the 2 provided and 4 you find on your own) formatted according to Plant Physiology or Plant Cell citation format (see example citation list below, and Canvas for details)

4) Citations are not included in the 5-page limit.


● Title

● Abstract

● Introduction ● Discussion

● Conclusion

● Cited Sources

2) It can be helpful to use a citation manager, like Mendeley, for keeping track of and citing peer-reviewed papers- there is even an extension for Word so you can automatically add citations there.

Example citation list (PDFs on Canvas): (You can use your own citations total of six or more or you can include one or both of these if they are relevant)


(Bergougnoux, 2014) (Sen and Samanta, 2015)

In the ‘Cited Sources’ section:

Bergougnoux V (2014) The history of tomato: from domestication to biopharming. Biotechnol

Adv 32: 170-189

Sen T, Samanta SK (2015) Medicinal plants, human health, and biodiversity: a broad review.

Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol 147: 59-110

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Oleander (Nerium oleander): Naughty by Nature
Student's Name
Instiutional Affiliation
Course Code: Course Name
Instructor's Name
Nerium oleander is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. However, due to its toxicity, some sources have dubbed it "Naughty by Nature." This paper researches the origin of the plant, the reason why it is considered "Naughty by Nature," and its impacts on and to humans. The paper gathered evidence and information about N. oleander using various credible online and peer-reviewed sources. From the research conducted, it was found that N. oleander has medicinal value that cures conditions such as leprosy and scabies and is also believed to be anti-cancer. Additionally, the plant's history and relation to Napoleon men, myths, and misconceptions were also discussed in the paper to shed light on how the plant has impacted humans. Furthermore, the current research has established that there is a lot more to learn about Nerium oleander, and there are boundless applications across different fields like biology, medicine, and agriculture.
Plants have been used as a food source (their fruits and some leaves) and as a remedy for diseases since ancient times. According to Tubb and Seba (2021), before technological development, humans had to differentiate the utilities of each other, experimenting with themselves and putting their health and lives at risk because some plants can be lethal to humans if consumed. Vegetation is a puzzle and a mystery. The most dangerous and fatal species can be hidden behind a beautiful and delicate flower, while some of its parts can be miraculous and the key component to survival. These plants have had to adapt to various climatic, earthly, and environmental changes over time. Some have developed toxicity due to hostile accommodation and the urgent need to defend themselves from the outside world. Some herbs contain toxins that are harmful to all species, not just some. Some only affect certain mammals, while others affect both animals and humans. Some plants are poisonous at certain stages of their life, so their threat is not permanent. It is important to remember that not all herbaceous plants are created equally.
Nerium oleander, or simply oleander, is a small, densely branching shrub or tree of the Dogbane family, Apocynaceae, that grows 1 to 10 meters tall. The leaves are arranged in threes or verticillate pairs and are highly green, leathery, and narrowly egg-shaped to rectilinear form. Flowers are found in clusters on terminal branches, each measuring about 5 cm in diameter, funnel-designed with five portions, scented, and available in various colors from red to pink, peach, yellow, and white, as noted by Farkhondeh et al. (2020). The oleander, known as laurel of bloom or Trinitarians, is a drought-resistant Mediterranean plant with poisonous flowers, branches, stems, seeds, and leaves. It is also described as "the most dangerous plant globally." It is ranked first because of its strong toxicity, including multiple poisons (including oleandrin) that attack the heart.
The purpose of this paper is to determine how Nerium oleander was impacted by humans in terms of how and where it is grown, as well as how the plant has impacted humans. The information used in this research was obtained through reading articles and books on the Oleadean blossoms. Some of the sources used include the LiveScience website, the Journal of Medical Toxicology, and Industrial Biotechnology for Plants and Animals, among other materials.
Impacts of Humans
History of Nerium oleander
Nerium oleander is a Mediterranean shrub commonly used as an ornamental in the subtropical, tropics, and hot temperate regions across the world. Although it has only been described as a persistent, cultured, or sporadic outflow in some regions, it has been acclimatized in others mostly by aquatic dispersal. While there are limited facts concerning its invasiveness, oleander is said to be capable of generating a large number of seedlings and is extremely competitive. Another important worry about the species is that all plant components are extremely toxic, particularly small children, pets, and cattle. The propensity for intermittent streams, poor fertilization and fruit production, tolerance to aquatic dispersal, and seedling survival in damp shady settings limit N. oleander's invasiveness. In Hawaii, the USA, South Africa, Niue, and New Zealand, N. oleander has been recorded as invasive. It is also described as intrusive in two US National Parks: Death Valley, California, Lake Mead National, Nevada) and Florida, but no additional information is provided. It is classified as possibly invasive in Cuba since it is an acclimatized plant with a proclivity to spread throughout the nation and the ability to generate several seeds (Sanna, 2021).
Habitat and Nature
Nerium oleander is naturalized or native in a wide area of habitats stretching from Mauritania, Portugal, and Morocco eastward across the Sahara region and the Mediterranean to the Arabian Peninsula, China, and South Asia. Nerium oleander is full-grown in various tropical and subtropical places across all continents. It grows as far north of Virginia on the East Coast of the United States, and in Texas and California, kilometers of oleander bushes are planted in median strips. Oleander may be grown in moderate Marine temperatures and its regular Mediterranean and Subtropical ranges, with the proper safeguards. Plants may die or incur damage in such borderline areas during the extreme winter cold, but they will recover from the roots.
Varieties and Color
Oleander blossoms are brilliant, abundant, and frequently fragrant, making them appealing in various settings. Over 400 cultivars have been identified by Monaci et al. (2020), and numerous more bloom hues not present in wild plants, such as yellow, peach, and salmon, have been chosen.
Impacts to Humans
Nerium oleander Toxicity: Naughty by N...
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