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Obesity as a Pressing Food Justice Issue

Essay Instructions:

PART 3: Imagining Food Justice (500 word minimum)

Respond to one of the following prompts:

Drawing from at least 3 assigned texts, provide a prescription for a food justice utopia (that is, a “perfect” world regarding the cultivation, distribution, consumption, and disposal of food). What core values would such a society be based upon? What would the status of the food supply chain be in such an ideal society? Would commodified food still exist at all? How would food resources be allocated and governed among the population? At what geographic scale? With what overall health effects? What tools would you employ to reach such a just world?

Drawing from at least 3 assigned texts, identify and assess what appears to you to be the most pressing food justice-related issue today. What is the nature of this problem? Its history? Its location in the food supply chain? What is its relationship to environmental and human health? What social, economic, political, and/or moral factors sustain and reinforce it? Why, in your estimation, is it so critical? How would you like to see this issue resolved in the future?

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Obesity as a Pressing Food Justice Issue
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Obesity as a Pressing Food Justice Issue
The most pressing food justice issue today is obesity, a health condition associated with excessive body weight. The nature of this problem involves the consumption of foods that accelerate body weight without offering much nutritional value to the body. Additionally, the nature of the problem is manifested through the current efforts by activists, the general public, and the government to push toward the prevention of obesity. According to Nestle (2015), sugars and sweeteners in beverages are among the major causes of obesity, which puts such companies as Nestle and Unilever in the spotlight for producing such products. Obesity has become a chronic health problem in America due to the number of people becoming obese and the health issues it causes (Guthman, 2011). As people become fatter, they get more prone to illnesses, some of which are chronic.
It is difficult to trace the history of obesity, but it can be argued that the onset of processed food is when the problem began. Within the supply, the problem of obesity lies with the manufacturers of processed foods since they determine what is contained in them. Regardless of who distributes or serves the food, it is the manufacturers' responsibility to determine what is in the food. Even after acknowledging that obesity is a problem, people continue to consume fast foods containing massive amounts of fat and sugar. Mull (2018) explained that Silicon Valley has changed the language of dieting such that even obese people can have positive perceptions of themselves. However, Silicone Valley is more concerned with addressing the problem by setting up nutritional companies. Some of the startups have started to encourage people to diet by shifting the percep...
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